Mohoondas Gandhi is best known for


Answer 1
Answer: k im indian and 1st of all its Mohandas  gandhi aka mahatma gandhi

he was best known for non -violence protests when the British invaded India.

They refused to use the Britain made things and burned them...

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How are the civil service system and the merit system connected?



  The civil service system is known as the main backbone of the various government officials and the employees in the government department are basically select according to the merit system policies and by using this system the promotion process of the employees is also take place.

 The merit system is the one of the process in which the employees in the government department are hired on the their capabilities or abilities. Therefore, By this way the merit system and the civil service system are get connected with each other.

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hi which country are you from , and what do you think of your country , emerging china as a superpower and India​



am ugandan and wat I think about its is india and china coming to emerge with uganda would help with its infrastructure

Answer:   Hellooo!!

I´m from Texas , and I think my Country is pretty great.

I know where everything is and who everyone is ( not literally ) .

I think the land marks are exquisite and unique . The nature is really beautiful as well as the kindness of others .

and I honestly dont know what to say about the china and India  merging -

Sorry im not very political -

Hoped I helped -


A fact based on observable phenomenon that is not influenced by differences in personal opinion is called


The correct answer is an objective concept.


Why was capturing egypt's suez canal so important to the axis powers?


To cut off the supply route connecting the west (England, Spain and France) to the east (India, China, etc)
it was also a short cut that the British wanted to control

To handle the government s many domestic and foreign affairs, the Constitution gives the President broad powers to act as the nation s _____.


To handle the government's many domestic and foreign affairs, the Constitution gives the President broad powers to act as the nation's leader or head of the state. The president is the highest position in the offices of the government. He is responsible to be the overseer and the major decision maker of all the other departments of government.