What do you think when you see this image? What do you think it represents?
What do you think when you see this image? What - 1


Answer 1

i personally see a desert with foot steps that left i think it would represent lonleyness or the act of abandoning something perhaps what used to be a city

Answer 2


it means abandoning


he/she left the cart behind

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i believe it’s c) the weight would double, but i’m not 1000% positive
C is the correct answer

Doubling the mass of the Earth would double your weight, since gravitational force is directly proportional to mass, but doubling the radius (which doubles if the diameter doubles) would decrease your weight by a factor of 1/4, since gravitational force is inversely proportional to the square of the radius

All of the following are important reasons to take notes exceptA. to record the information the instructor wants you to learn.
B. to serve as a study guide.
c. to write down everything the instructor says.
D. to highlight important ideas in a textbook.


All of the given are important reasons to take notes except to write down everything the instructorsays. The correct option is C.

What are notes?

Taking notes involves more than merely recordingeverything you hear or read. It is a process of going through, tying together, and synthesizing concepts from your readings or lectures.

Keep active and interested throughout lectures, reading, and revising by taking notes. Clarify your mind and comprehend what you are learning.

You can use it to study. To get the most out of your notes, regularly review them. They can be used to create digital flashcards or even model test questions.

All of the aforementionedjustifications for taking notes—aside from recording every word the instructor says—are significant.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding textbook notes, visit:





Please this is disgusting dirty and ugly and i just took a shower 1. Gather information through an interview. Prepare a set of questions that will help you trace the family's migration history, including instances of internal migration. Specifically address the types of immigration (internal or international), the characteristics of the immigrants (age, sex, and economic and family status at the time), reasons for the migration, where the migrants settled (Was it an ethnic enclave?), the existence of chain migration, and intervening obstacles in the migration process.
2. Prepare a map that is illustrated and annotated with the names of towns and cities of the migration and include arrows to indicate movements, dates for moves, and basic push-pull factors (such as job opportunities) that prompted migration. Organize the information you will use to present a narrative account of the migrations. Note that your narrative should also address what types of social, cultural, economic, and political effects each step in the migration had.
3. Select a way to present a narrative account of the family's migrations. You have several choices for presenting your narrative. You may wish to use the Web 2.0 tools feature to learn more about these options.
• Slide Presentation
• Essay
• Weblog (blog)
• Podcast
• Video


I am pretty sure it's essay but I am not really sure


Need help on Phyllis Schlafly and her role in the ERA movement.


Schlafly became an outspoken opponent of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) during the 1970s as the organizer of the "STOP ERA" campaign. STOP was an acronym for "Stop Taking Our Privileges". She argued that the ERA would take away gender-specific privileges currently enjoyed by women, including "dependent wife" benefits under Social Security, separate restrooms for males and females, and exemption from the Selective Service (the Army draft).[21][22] She was opposed by groups such as the National Organization for Women (NOW) and the ERAmerica coalition. The Homemakers' Equal Rights Association was formed to counter Schlafly's campaign.[citation needed]

In 1972, when Schlafly began her campaign against the Equal Rights Amendment, it had already been ratified by 28 of the required 38 states.[citation needed] Seven more states ratified the amendment after Schlafly began organizing opposition, but another five states rescinded their ratifications. The last state to ratify the ERA was Indiana, where State Senator Wayne Townsend cast the tie-breaking vote in January 1977.[citation needed]

The Equal Rights Amendment was narrowly defeated, having only achieved ratification in 35 states, five of which had subsequently rescinded their ratification.[8] Experts agree Schlafly was a key player. Political scientist Jane J. Mansbridge concluded in her history of the ERA:

Many people who followed the struggle over the ERA believed—rightly in my view—that the Amendment would have been ratified by 1975 or 1976 had it not been for Phyllis Schlafly's early and effective effort to organize potential opponents.[23]

Joan Williams argues, "ERA was defeated when Schlafly turned it into a war among women over gender roles."[24] Historian Judith Glazer-Raymo argues:

As moderates, we thought we represented the forces of reason and goodwill but failed to take seriously the power of the family values argument and the single-mindedness of Schlafly and her followers. The ERA's defeat seriously damaged the women's movement, destroying its momentum and its potential to foment social change ... Eventually, this resulted in feminist dissatisfaction with the Republican Party, giving the Democrats a new source of strength that when combined with overwhelming minority support, helped elect Bill Clinton to the presidency in 1992 and again in 1996.[25]

Critics of Schlafly saw her advocacy against equal rights and her role as a working professional as a contradiction. Gloria Steinem and author Pia de Solenni, among others, considered it ironic that in Schlafly's role as an advocate for the full-time mother and wife, she herself was a lawyer, newsletter editor, touring speaker, and political activist.[18][26]

Describe King Hrothgar. Does he fit the expectation of an
Anglo-Saxon king?



Not really, because he fails to defend his kingdom from attacks.


  • King of Denmark Hrothgar decides to build a new court. At first, without even knowing it, monster Grendel began conflict with him.
  • Hrothgar was not able to defend his kingdom.
  • In the meanwhile the famous hero Beowulf decides to cross the seas to help Denmark get rid of Grendel.

1.) Look at the following map. The black dots show the distribution of earthquakes that have happenedaround the world. Describe where in the world they have happened (you can use an atlas).



Explanation there is no map that i can look at to hlp you with this problem im sorry.