A communist country decides to give its people more economic freedom in attempt to improve its failing economy. What outcome is the government most likely worried about in this case?


Answer 1


Explanation: edmentum and pluto

Answer 2

oceterzanao  nérapaz n

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Why did people think Truman would lose the 1948 election?A.
His opponent, Thomas Dewey, was a decorated war hero.

The Democratic Party had split and polls predicted that Truman would lose.

Truman refused to take the election seriously and campaigned very little.

Many Southern Democrats disliked Truman and went over to the Republican Party.


The correct answer is B) "The Democratic Party had split and polls predicted that Truman would lose."

People thought that Truman would lose the 1948 election because the Democratic Party had split and polls predicted that Truman would lose.

After the 1948 Democratic Convention, held in Philadelphia in the month of July, the party nominated Harry S. Truman as its candidate to the presidency. Let's remember that Truman was already the President after the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt.

So when the party nominated Truman, the Democratic party split when some southern delegates left the place and forme the Dixiecrats, a third political party. That is why people thought that Truman would lose the 1948 election.

The people thought  Truman would lose the 1948 election as The Democratic Party had split and polls predicted that Truman would lose.

Further Explanations:

Harry S. Truman was the 33rd United States’ President. He was initially appointed as the Vice President during the Presidency of Franklin Roosevelt. He assisted in the  post for 82 days and just after the demise of Roosevelt, he was appointed as the President. Turman is ranked amongst the top-tiered President  as by all measures he was a brilliant decision-maker

Turman was a devotee of the Democratic Party ,and he occupied the post  of Presidency after Roosevelt in 1945 as the representative of the Democratic Party. During the general election of 1948, it was assumed  that Turman would lose the poll because of the split in the Democratic party. In the Democratic Convention of Philadelphia , Turman was chosen as the presidential candidate  for the upcoming election as he was already holding the post . His candidature was opposed by some Southern delegates and for that reason, they parted and formed  a Third-party , Dixiecrats .

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Answer Details  

Grade: High School

Subject: History

Chapter: Harry S. Truman  


Harry S. Truman , United States, President, Vice President, Franklin Roosevelt, Turman,Democratic Party, Roosevelt, general election, Democratic Convention, Philadelphia, Southern delegates, Third-party, Dixiecrats

What was the native americans point of view on the manifest destiny


They most likely thought that it was nonsense because they had to leave in order for them to get the land. Not only that, but they hated the settlers because of it and many fights were made from that.
They didn't like the idea because it forced them to reservation and leave their native lands

which scenario would have been outlawed under policies used in great britain during the early years of the industrial revolution


"An organization sells other firms all over the world a groundbreaking new cell phone model" would have been outlawed under policies used in great britain during the early years of the industrial revolution.


Throughout Britain, this process started in the 18th century and spread to other areas of the world from and then. While the word Industrial Revolution used historically by French scholars, was pioneered first by Arnold Toynbee as the British economic historian to characterize the economic growth of Britain between 1760 and 1840.

Goods that were once handmade, kudos to the implementation of new machines and methods in textiles, iron production, and other industries, have started to be manufactured in mass amounts in factory machinery.

Driven by steam energy's increasing use, the Industrial Revolution started in England before spreading in the 1830s and 1940s to the rest of the globe, including the US.

Modern historians also term this era the First Industrial Revolution to differentiate between the late 19th and the early 20th century of industrialization and fast advances in the steel, electricity and automobile sectors.


A company sells a revolutionary new cell phone design to other companies from all around the world


Which are accurate descriptions of the reign of Louis XIV?Choose all answers that are correct.

He called himself the Sun King because he considered himself as important as the sun itself.

He created and enforced laws that prohibited persecution for religious beliefs.

During his 72-year reign, he claimed the divine right of kings.

He did all that he could and made sacrifices to help the working people with their everyday struggles.


A. he thought without him his country would fail

Correct answers:

  • A. He called himself the Sun King because he considered himself as important as the sun itself.
  • C. During his 72-year reign, he claimed the idea of the divine right of kings.


Louis XIV is a hugely important historical figure.  He was on the throne as king in France from childhood to his old age; he ruled from 1643 to 1715. He was known as the Sun King because all activity in France basically revolved around him.  So much so was that the case, that members of the nobility competed with each other for the right to help the king get dressed in the morning!  It was one of Louis XIV's goals to keep the ranking nobles from being a threat to his power, so he lured them to come live at the glorious Versailles palace with him. That way he could keep them under his influence and away from their lands in the provinces.  They were lavishly entertained, but lost the real power they would have had as lords governing in their provincial lands.

As to the "divine right of kings" idea, that belief was summed up succinctly by Bishop Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, who was court preacher at the royal court of Louis XIV.  Bossuet said that monarchy "is sacred, it is paternal, it is absolute … the royal throne is not that of a man but the throne of God himself."  The claim of kings' divine right meant their authority could not be challenged because they were put in their office by God and were to be respected as God's sovereign representatives.

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who became president in 1845 with plans to expand american territory

Andrew Jackson

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