A kit fox lives in the desert and has large ears with greater surface area to prevent overheating. The red fox lives in the forest and has a red coat for camouflauge]


Answer 1


Divergent evolution;


  • Divergent evolution is the process of two or more related species becoming more and more dissimilar. In this type of evolution groups of species from the same common ancestor evolve and accumulate differences, resulting in the formation of new species.
  • For example; The red fox and the kit fox. The red fox and the kit fox both have a common ancestor but have gone through the process of divergent evolution. It has adapted to its mixed farmland and forest environment. Its red color helps it to blend in with the trees.  
  • The kit fox is sandy in appearance because it lives in the desert. It also has larger ears than the red fox and its larger ears help the fox release excess body heat in the desert.

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-All of the above

-pathogens, disease vectors, and high levels of contaminants


Water pollution is a large set of adverse effects upon water bodies (lakes, rivers, oceans, groundwater) caused by human activities. Water pollution is caused by;

  • Increases in nutrient loading may lead to eutrophication.
  • Organic wastes such as sewage and farm waste impose high oxygen demands on the receiving water leading to oxygen depletion with potentially severe impacts on the whole eco-system.
  • Industries discharge a variety of pollutants in their wastewater including heavy metals, organic toxins, oils, nutrients, and solids.
  • Discharges can also have thermal effects, especially those from power stations, and these too reduce the available oxygen.
D. all of the above. I'm pretty sure

Bees and butterflies are dependent on flowers for their food. However, the more successful of the two will get the nectar. Which kind of animal interaction does this demonstrate?Mutualism


The answer is competition.Competition is an interaction between members of the same species or between different species. If resources, such as food, water, sunlight, territory, are limited and several species depend on these resources, then, they must compete with other species to gain the resources. 

Leaves curving towards sunlight are examples of _____. phototrophism


The correct answer is phototrophism.

Phototrophism is said to be the growth of a plant toward a source of light.

It is response to the stimulus of  light and is seen when a plant bends towards the direction that light is coming from. Response by plants to a stimulus is called tropism. The  word or prefix "photo" means or refers to light. Therefore phototropism simply means response to light.

Phototropism can be especially evident in the jungle where the jungle floor gets very little light. If a tall tree falls to the ground, it leaves a gap in the canopy through which sunlight streams to the ground. Many jungle plants growing on the ground will bend towards the  gap  and rapidly grow towards the source of  light.



Melissa is studying a Gram-stained slide of curd bacteria. She sees many rod-shaped, violet-colored bacteria. What type of bacteria are they?



By the observation, the rod shape violet-colored bacteria could be a Gram-positive bacillus which is Lactobacillus spp.  in curd.


Gram-stain is a staining method to isolate and study the Gram-positive or Gram-negative bacteria with the help of the crystal violet dye. Crystal violet dye stains both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in purple stain. After decolorization, Gram-negative bacteria appears to be pink in color, however,Gram-positive bacteria remain purple.

According to bacteria structure, they term as bacillus (rod), strepto (clusters or threads) or Diplo (in pairs).

Thus, according to the observation, the rod shape violet colored bacteria are Gram-positive bacillus which is Lactobacillus spp. in curd.

Rod shaped = bacilli
Purple =Gram positive
The bacteria is Lactobacillus

Removal of phloem tissue leads to gradual death of the plant. Why does this happen?Distribution of carbohydrates from the leaves to the other parts of the plant is affected.

Distribution of water and nutrients from the roots to the other parts of the plants is affected.

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Distribution of carbohydrates from the leaves to the other parts of the plant is affected.

The main function of the Xylem is to transport water and minerals throughout all parts of the plant. Phloem on the other hand is responsible for transporting organic molecules that are larger in size. The vascular system, consisting on the Xylem and the Phloem runs from the roots of the plats through the branches and upto the leaves. It controls the total transportation of the water and nutrients.

Which best blocks X-ray particles and can therefore be observed more closely through the use of this technology?organs



The correct answer would be bones.

X-rays are high energy electromagnetic waves which have an ability to penetrate most of the biological tissues.

In the X-ray machine, a beam of high energy X-rays is passed through the filters and subject and then fall on the detector or photographic film to produce X-ray.

Dense tissues like bone, teeth, tumors et cetera blocks or stops most of the X-ray particles from reaching the detector or photographic film.

It forms glowing pictures on the X-ray film or photographic film.

The denser the material the brighter the image will be formed on the photographic film.

Which best blocks X-ray particles and can therefore be observed more closely through the use of this technology?

Answer: Out of all the options available the best one that blocks X-ray particles and can therefore be observed more closely through the use of this technology are the bones.

I hope it helps, Regards.