What does compering mean


Answer 1
Answer: this isn't important but love ur profile picture

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Which sentence contains a conjunction



They hadn't seen the movie, yet they knew every song.


Conjunctions are those joining words that joins groups of words or sentences, making them into one sentence. They are used as a shortening agents for multiple sentences. Among the options given in the question, the sentence that contains a conjunction is the third sentence.

They hadn't seen the movie, yet they knew every song.

Here, 'yet' is the conjunction that joins the two parts of the sentence, making it into one. By joining the two clauses, it makes it easier and more compact to read the sentence.

- they hadn't seen the movie, yet they knew every song.

hope this helps!!!

How does the author introduce the hidden prehistoric city ion the jungle



He describes how a prehistoric city would have been like.


The text you're referring to is "Secrets of the Lost City of Z" by Anthony Mason. In this writing, the author talks about Arthur Conan Doyle's book "The Lost World", and how this story influenced other ideas such as Jurassic Park and King Kong. However, the focus of the text is the main character, Col. Percy Harrison Fawcett and his search for the Lost City of Z, somewhere in the middle of the Amazon rainforest. In the introduction of the text, the author wrote,  

"Since the dawn of the modern age, the notion of a pre-historic world, hidden deep in the jungle and untouched by the passage of time, has captived our imagination."

Final answer:

The author introduces the hidden prehistoric city in the jungle using detailed descriptions and narrative. This can be seen in the excerpts about Randy Haas' discovery and the dialogue between Socrates and Glaucon. Using such techniques allows readers to visualize the historical setting.


The introduction of the hidden prehistoric city in the jungle by the author is achieved through the use of vivid description and narrative. A good example of an author introducing a hidden prehistoric site can be seen in the text about Randy Haas, where he found a grave in the Andes mountains. His discovery is described in detail, encapsulating the mystery and the historical significance of this finding.

Another way is detailed in the excerpt where Socrates and Glaucon converse. In that excerpt, Socrates introduces a city in an underground den using extensive description and metaphors. This descriptive technique allows the readers to visualize the historical setting as if they were there themselves.

Remember, narration and description are two powerful tools that authors often employ to introduce new settings, particularly when dealing with hidden or historical locations.

Learn more about Narration and Description here:



I need help. 1. Where did Willow go to hide after she ran away from the hospital?2. How did Mai bully Dell Duke at the burger and pie diner?

3. When sending documentation to the principal, why didn't Dell hand over

Willow's test results?

From the book "Counting by 7's"



1) Willow is taken to the hospital where she passes out and hits her head, After getting stitches, she runs away from there and goes to the Library and hid behind a large chair

2) Mai bullies Dell Duke at the burger and pie diner as she ordered alot of food and then made Dell to pay for it.

3) Dell Duke gave Willow a test like the one she was accused of cheating in and she aced it. If Dell had handed over the test scores, principal would have realized that Willow didn't cheat in the exam after all, and Dell Duke's incompetence would have been discovered.

There were many heroes during the September 11th tragedy. Write about a hero or a heroic event that you have read about or observed in a documentary.


A hero that I saw in a documentary is 29 year old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, I had seen the documentary on Netflix, She is an American politician and activist who serves as the US representative for NY's 14th congressional district, and in the documentary, she was so strong and powerful, she had went up against a man that everyone around her told her that she could not beat, but ended up doing anyways! It was so inspiring and powerful!

There were many heroes during the September 11th tragedy. One event that stood out to me the most was two brothers that were both at the World Trade Center. One of the brothers was a firefighter and the other worked in one of the towers. They were worried if they would ever see eachother again, but they still had to do their jobs. Eventually, they ended up finding eachother and they were both safe and not injured.

Shrek brings emotional harm to his peers bystanding up to people in power.
Strong: Claim
Weak: Not a Claim


Yes yes yes yea yes yes yes

Whats is alike and what is different about Grimace and frown


they are both faces you show when not satisfied. a frown is more sad though and a grimace is more out of anger and hate.

be happy and turn that frown upside down... forget that hate and turn the grimace into sunshine and brilliance. lol that stupid but i just came up with it out of no where.

hope i helped...

Final answer:

Grimace and frown are universal facial expressions representing different emotions. A grimace usually signifies discomfort, pain, or disgust, while a frown indicates displeasure, anger, or sadness. This distinction is based on Paul Ekman's research on common facial expressions.


Both Grimace and Frown are facial expressions that humans universally use to communicate certain emotions. However, they are associated with different emotions. A grimace usually conveys a feeling of discomfort, pain, or disgust, whereas a frown typically signals displeasure, anger, or sadness. This is supported by Paul Ekman's extensive research on universal facial expressions, which suggests distinct facial expressions for diverse emotions such as happiness, surprise, sadness, fright, disgust, contempt, and anger.

The distinct facial expressions allow us to effectively communicate our feelings even without uttering a word. It's important to note that these expressions seem to be universal and even congenitally blind individuals can generate the same expressions despite never having seen these emotions expressed by others.

Learn more about Facial Expressions here:
