Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition process by which new rock is made from old rock


Answer 1

The correct answer would be: rock cycle

Explanation taken from user Bistai

"The rock cycle is a recycling process by which igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks are produced, converted from one form to another and destroyed. The rock cycle is a continuous process that has been occurring throughout the history of the earth. The major processes of the rock cycle include sedimentation, crystallization, metamorphism and erosion."

Answer 2
Answer: metamorphism would be the correct process.

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Weathering and erosion. Weathering is the process where rock is dissolved, worn away or broken down into smaller and smaller pieces.


There are mechanical, chemical and organic weathering processes. Organic weathering happens when plants break up rocks with their growing roots or plant acids help dissolve rock.

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Yes, meiosis is strictly dealing with your gonads which are your gametes (testes/ovaries). It would not produce a diploid sex cell but rather 4 totally genetically different haploid cells. It can best be seen as 2n becomes n. In mitosis you can have 1n to 1n or 2n to 2n because in mitosis you have 2 identical daughter cells exactly like the parent cell.

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uhm, none of the above? 

Pine trees reproduce by producing seeds, but instead of the traditional seeds inside a fruit, the seeds are on the scales of the cones. 

hope this helps.

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Bacterial inclusions are sites of metabolite storage.


Bacteria is a prokaryote which means that it lacks membrane bound structures.

Bacterial inclusions can be described as structures present in the bacterial cell which function as metabolic reserves or metabolic organelles. They are also called as elementary bodies. The bacterial inclusions are usually cytoplasmic aggregates of the bacterial cytoplasm. These inclusions are known for forming compartments in the bacterial cell. However, various inclusions can also be seen in the eukaryotic cells.