Only the fields that appear in the design grid are included in the results of the query. Select one: True False User: The Internet consists of an uncountable number of nodes that enable users to communicate and share information. Select one: True False


Answer 1
Answer: Only the fields that appear in the design grid are included in the results of the query. TRUE.

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I hope this helps, Regards.



In JAVA, answer the following:Given an int variable n that has already been declared, write some code that repeatedly reads a value into n until at last a number between 1 and 10 (inclusive) has been entered.

ASSUME the availability of a variable, stdin, that references a Scanner object associated with standard input.



The JAVA program is as follows.

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Program


   static int n;

public static void main(String[] args) {

    //scanner object

    Scanner stdin = new Scanner(;

    //loop executes till number entered is in the range of 1 to 10



        System.out.print("Enter any number: ");

        n = stdin.nextInt();

    }while(n<1 || n>10);

    System.out.println("Number is valid. Exiting...");




Enter any number: 0

Enter any number: 23

Enter any number: 10

Number is valid. Exiting...


The program is explained.

1. The integer variable, n, is declared static since the variable should be accessible inside main() which is static.

2. An object of Scanner, stdin, is created inside main().

3. Inside do-while loop, the user is asked input any value for n.

4. The loop continues till user inputs a number which is not in the given range, beginning from 1 to 10.

5. The loop will not be terminated till the user enters a valid input.

6. Once a valid input is entered, the message is displayed to the console and the program ends.

7. The variable, n, is declared at the class level and is a class variable. Class variables are declared inside the class but outside all the methods in that class.

8. Since JAVA is a purely object-oriented language, all the code is written inside class.

9. The object of class is not created since only one class is included in the program. If more than one class is included, then the object of the class which does not has the main() method will be created inside main().

10. User input for integer is taken via scanner object and using nextInt() method.

11. The methods, print() and println() display the messages to the console. The only difference is that println() inserts a new line after displaying the message.

12. The name of the class having main() and the name of the program should be the same.

Vannevar Bush imagined a desktop computing machine that would allow people to access data stored in various information centers throughout the world. This device was called


That device was call Memex.

Memex is taken from the word combination of memory and index. In 1945, an American engineer, inventor and a scientist, Vannevar Bush envisioned a device in which people can store and access their data information centers around the world.

What are candid shots? What are posed shots? Compare and contrast some of the advantages and disadvantages to these two approaches.


Candid Shots are those which are made  without the knowledge of the subject whereas Posed Shots have planned setting and subject knows that photo is being taken.
Advantages of candid shots are that they usually produce natural alive picture as people do not expect they are being captured. On the other hand, it can show person in awkward pose and spoil the shot.
Posed shots usually seem plastic.


Candid shots are shots that are taken without the knowledge of the subject. Which means posed shots are shots that have a planned subject and setting. Candid photos seem to be good because they can come out natural. And posed photos can come out decent and not baad. Though together they can both come out either plastic or just goofy looking.


Just did it. Got full credit. Wrote in own words. Shouldn't come out plagiarized. Hope this helped:)

Most V-type engines use two _______, one attached to each cylinder head.a. flywheels
b. vibration dampeners
c. exhaust manifolds
d. timing belts


The correct answer is letter c. exhaust manifolds. Most V-type engines use two exhaust manifolds, one attached to each cylinder head. An exhaust manifold in automative engineering refers to the collection of the exhaust gases from different cylinders into another single pipe.

The D:\ drive in your computer has been formatted with NTFS. The Mary user account has been assigned the following permissions:-Allow Full Control to the D:\Reports folder
-Deny Full Control to the D:\Sales folder
-Deny Full Control to the D:\Reports\2010.doc file
-Allow Full Control to the D:\Sales\2010sales.doc file

What effective permissions does Mary have to both files?
a. Deny Full control to both
b. Allow Full Control to both
c. Allow full control to D:\Reports\2010reports.doc; Deny full control to D:\Sales\2010sales.doc
d. Deny full control to D:\Reports\2010reports.doc; Allow full control to D:\Sales\2010sales.doc


A deny full control to both , because Mary had to have both files or denied full control