Explain the difference between a colony an a poils?


Answer 1
Answer: i dont knowww :DDDdd

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Because Mexicans were the first people to have slaves and now mexico wants to immigrate slaves from the united states to mexico.

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to conduct elections 
All state governments are modeled after the federal government and consist of three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial

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By having a constitution, and legislative body. Basically, the first US Gov't was based on the Roman Republic

When must all men register for the Selective Service?


All men in the United States must register for the Selective Service within 30 days of turning 18 to be eligible for potential military drafts if needed.

In the United States, the Selective Service System mandates that all men must register within 30 days of their 18th birthday. This requirement applies to male U.S. citizens, as well as male immigrants, including those with green cards, residing in the United States. Registering is a legal obligation, and failure to do so may result in penalties like ineligibility for federal student aid, governmentjob opportunities, and certain benefits. The Selective Service maintains a list of potential draftees, ensuring that in the event of a military draft, there is a pool of eligible individuals to call upon to support national defense efforts.

Learn more about immigrants here:



They must register for the Selective Service at the age 18, or (when they have received citizenship later), between age 18-26.

Which Constitutional Amendment repealed prohibition?



The 21st Amendment


The 21st Amendment is the transportation or importation into any State. T