What are these two in English?
What are these two in English? - 1


Answer 1
Answer: First one says: Quiz
Second one says: Xray

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2. The policy practiced by England during the 17th & 18th centuries of not enforcing laws and leavingthe American colonies relatively free to do as they pleased was known as:
A. Mercantilism
B. Great Awakening
C. Salutary Neglect
D. Navigation Acts



Mercantilism was an economic theory that encouraged government regulation of the economy for the purpose of enhancing state power. The primary goal was to run trade surpluses and thereby fill the state’s coffers with silver and gold. The predominant school of economic thought from the 15th through the 18th centuries, mercantilism rejected free trade and fueled European imperialism.

Mercantilism led to wars between European powers for control of maritime trade routes—such as the Anglo-Dutch Wars of the 17th and 18th centuries. It also created the triangular trade in the North Atlantic, which involved the export of raw materials from the colonies to Britain, the transportation of enslaved Africans to the Americas, and the subsequent importation of manufactured goods from Britain to the colonies.^1  


start superscript, 1, end superscript

British economic policy was mercantilist in nature. The British Parliament enacted such mechanisms as protectionist trade barriers, governmental regulations, and subsidies to domestic industries for the purpose of augmenting British finances at the expense of colonial territories and other European imperial powers. England also sought to prevent its colonies in North America from trading with other European countries and from developing a robust manufacturing industry. To this end, beginning in 1651, the British Parliament adopted a series of legislation known as the Navigation Acts.^2  




so your answer is a

Did the Black Death have any effect on Humanism? If so, what effect?


The Black Death, more commonly referred to or known as 'The Black Plague', killed at least 25 million people from 1347 to 1352.  When the disease seemed to be relinquished many were highly devastated. Most came to the conclusion of God being exasperated with mankind, or thinking that there was no God at all. Churches greatly endeavored putting a stop to the Ebony Death by continuously praying to God, in hopes of receiving a a resolution. When prayers seemed to go unanswered many grew weary with faith and came to the conclusion that religion was no longer valid. Consequently,  the people sought out their own remedy, to avail their own cure to this fatal sickness.


Yes, the bubonic plague, often known as the Black Death, had a big impact on humanism. The pandemic that ravaged Europe in the 14th century caused a significant loss of life and a significant upheaval in society. Many people were forced to reevaluate their conventional beliefs and values as a result of the suddenness and magnitude of the calamity, which shifted attention to more real-world issues.

As a result, the philosophical and religious movement known as humanism—which valued individualism and classical education—lost some of its appeal. People lost interest in abstract concepts and intellectual pursuits and became more preoccupied with surviving. As a result, the Humanist movement eventually lost ground, and other intellectual and cultural movements, like the Renaissance, began to gain ground.

However, the Black Death also had a long-term impact on humanism since it stimulated new ways of thinking and living. The pandemic's anguish challenged established notions and provided a fertile ground for the emergence of fresh ones. Humanism and other intellectual movements, such as the Renaissance, eventually reappeared and continued to influence Western thinking and culture.


Write a sentence identifying and describing how a key idea led to the Civil War.



because of uncompromising differences betwwen the free and slave states over the power of the national goverment  to probit slavery in the territories that had not yet become states.


There was a fight between freeing the slaves and they wanted all the slaves to be free. They did not want to free the slaves tho so they went to war witch was called the civil war. Some white slave owners considered there slaves there property so some slave owners were forced to pay taxes for them if they were considered there property.

Strategies to improve water quality in the region include


collecting rain water 

Who was actually the first European to land on the Northern American continent


I believe it's Giovani Caboto who first discovered the Northern American continent.
The first European is debated, some say it'l Lief Erikson, some say Christopher Colombus, the true hero though is the migrants who came on the land bridge across the Bering Strait known as Beringia.

Encoding specificity refers to



Encoding specificity refers to the tendency, when memorizing, to place in memory both the materials to be learned as well as the context of such materials.


Different forms of memory testing, recall the participant must generate the studied items, ususally in response to a contextual clue.

Different forms of memory testing recognition the studied items are presented to the participant, who decides whether they were presented before.

Encoding specificity refers to the idea that we encode everything about the current context when we learn new information. Therefore, the correct option is C.

Encoding specificity is the process that when a person learns any new information, he/she also tries to encode and keep information about the context in which that learning has happened. This includes the environment, the emotional state, the surrounding stimuli, and other contextual factors

According to this concept, the more alike the context are to the encoding context, the more are the chances that a person would  remember the information exactly.

Thus, the ideal selection is option C.

Learn more about Encoding specificity here:



The complete question might be:

The complete question might be:

Encoding specificity refers to the idea that when we learn new information,

A. we cannot remember things that are too specific

B. the information is encoded into a specific mental store separate from the previously encoded information

C. we encode everything about the current context

D. none of these

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