Can someone help me to fill in the blanks?
Can someone help me to fill in the blanks? - 1


Answer 1
Answer: Some microbes enter through your nose and mouth, e.g. the microbes which cause tuberculosis and influenza.

Your skin is another of the body's defences. It acts as a barrier preventing the entry of microbes.

Some diseases e.g. tetanus, enter through puncture wounds caused by nails, bites, burns, etc.

Some microbes enter the gut when you eat infected food. Name a type of food poisoning caused by a bacterium. Salmonella

Acid is produced by the stomach - it kills some bacteria.

Give an example of a disease which can be passed from a mother to her foetus across the placenta. AIDS

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Can you give me the order of Biomes from coldest to hottest please?

-temperate deciduous forest
-temperate grassland
-temperate woodland (chaparral)


-tropical savanna

-tropical rain forest




The order of the Biomes from the coldest to the hottest

-tundra ; It is the coldest of all the biomes

-taiga ; It is a land dominated by conifers, especially spruces and firs. It is dotted with lakes, bogs, and marshes.

-temperate deciduous forest ; The average rainfall is 30 to 60 inches a year.

-temperate grassland ;The annual precipitation in the grasslands averages 20 inches (~51 cm) per year.

-temperate woodland (chaparral) ; The annual rainfall in the chaparral biome may reach 20–30 inches (64–76 cm)

Savanna; also known as the tropical grass land; the average temperatures are about -20°C to 30°C

-tropical rain forest;An annual rainfall of as much as 150 inches (381 cm) produces a lush forest of conifers.

-desert ; Annual rainfall in the desert is less than 10 inches (25 cm) and, in some years, may be zero.

Final answer:

The order of biomes from coldest to hottest is: Tundra, Taiga, Temperate deciduous forest, Temperate grassland, Temperate woodland (chaparral), Desert, Tropical savanna, Tropical rainforest.


The order of biomes from coldest to hottest is as follows:

  1. Tundra
  2. Taiga
  3. Temperate deciduous forest
  4. Temperate grassland
  5. Temperate woodland (chaparral)
  6. Desert
  7. Tropical savanna
  8. Tropical rainforest

The tundra biome is the coldest, with long, extremely cold winters and short cool summers. The taiga (boreal forest) biome is characterized by long, cold winters and short, cool summers. The temperate deciduous forest has a moderate climate with four distinct seasons. The temperate grassland has hot summers and cold winters. The temperate woodland (chaparral) is characterized by mild, wet winters and hot, dry summers. The desert biome has extremely hot and dry conditions. The tropical savanna biome has a hot climate with distinct wet and dry seasons. The tropical rainforest biome is the hottest, with high humidity and heavy rainfall.

Learn more about Order of Biomes here:


Some cells depend on the ability to move in order to survive. What do they use for such movement?


The cytoskeleton, it is responsible for the cell’s stability and movement.

In what types of environments would you find protists?


Protists are found in many habitats, particularly those containing water.

What part of the respiratory system is composed of a single layer of epithelial tissues surrounded by a network of capillaries? a. alveoli b. trachea c. bronchiole


I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option A. It is the alveoli that is composed of single layer surrounded by a network of capillaries. These are used to allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to move from the lungs to the bloodstream.




  • Alveoli is the part of the respiratory system which forms the site for an exchange of gases.
  • The exchange is essential to release out carbon dioxide and take in oxygen.
  • Alveoli being the site of gaseous exchange should have the essential features of a good respiratory surface which are - thin, moist and enriched with blood vessels.
  • Due to this, the alveoli are made up of a single layer of epithelial cell and has a network of capillaries surrounding it that carry blood to facilitate the exchange the gases.

A farmer has concerns about the nitrogen levels in her soils. What can she do to ensure that the nitrogen bacteria are replenished in the soil?A. Plant a crop of mushrooms to speed up decomposition.

B. Plant a crop of legumes, such as clover or alfalfa.

C. Plant more plants to increase transpiration.

D. Clear cut the area surrounding the field.


The answer is B. Plant a crop of legumes, such as clover or alfalfa.

It is known that plants cannot directly use atmospheric nitrogen. But, some legumes have a symbiotic relationship with bacteria that live in their root system. These bacteria are called Rhizobia and have the ability of nitrogen-fixation. In the root nodules, they use atmospheric nitrogen to convert it into ammonia, and later to ammonium, which can be used by plants. When legumes die, nitrogen from their remaining is released back to the soil where it is available to the other plants. 

Why does a pregnant woman need more energy than a woman who isn't pregnant


To help the baby develop.