Am I correct on on 1,2,4? I need help on 3. I WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!
AL2006 avatar


Answer 1

I think you are right on 1,2 and 4. I believe the answer would be D?!

hope this helps

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Heat energy can be transferred from a source to a receiver by conduction, convection and radiation.

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Answer: I am studying heat transfer and have learned there are three kinds of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation. Some examples are:


Touching a stove and being burned

Ice cooling down your hand

Boiling water by thrusting a red-hot piece of iron into it


Hot air rising, cooling, and falling (convection currents)

An old-fashioned radiator (creates a convection cell in a room by emitting warm air at the top and drawing in cool air at the bottom).


Heat from the sun warming your face

Heat from a lightbulb

Heat from a fire

Heat from anything else which is warmer than its surroundings.

Explanation: A good example would be heating a tin can of water using a Bunsen burner. Initially the flame produces radiation which heats the tin can. The tin can then transfers heat to the water through conduction. The hot water then rises to the top, in the convection process.

The atmosphere would be another example. The atmosphere is heated by radiation from the Sun, the atmosphere exhibits convection as hot air near the equator rises producing winds, and finally there is conduction between air molecules, and small amounts of air-land conduction.

What information does the atomic mass of an element provide? A. the sum of electrons and protons in an atom B. the difference between the number of protons and electrons C. the number of protons and neutrons in an atom D. the number of isotopes



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A. conscious and unconscious
B. emotional and rational
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conscious and unconscious


A weight machine ____.A) Decreases the amount of input force required

B) reduces the amount of input work

C) changes the direction of the input force

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C) changes the direction of the input force


A weight machine measure the normal reaction of a body place on the machine.This means the force will have no acceleration. The body placed on the machine will thus exert the force due to gravity and the normal reaction will  act  in the opposite direction to it.

Learn More

Normal reaction

Keywords : weight machine


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possibly limpathic or respiratory system
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