critically evaluate the rights and responsibilities of a person when executing freedom of expression during verbal interperdonal conflicts


Answer 1
Answer: Interpersonal conflict occurs between two or more individuals. It may rise from different points of view, beliefs, and culture.

Each and everyone of us has the right of freedom of expression. However, our rights stops when other's rights begins. 

During verbal interpersonal conflicts, one side is must not dominate the communication. Once he or she has expressed her side, he or she must also give the other party the chance to explain theirs. You have the right to express your thoughts but you also have the responsibility to give chance and  listen to the thoughts of others as they express theirs.

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I got a 2.b 3.c 4.c 5.c 6.a 7.c 8.a 9.b 10.c cay you just tell me what I got wrong and then help I got 80% which ones did I get wrong???


Your incorrect answers were 3 and 4. 

For number 3, the correct answer is b. This is because not language is not necessarily oral (i.e. there are written languages).

For number 4, the correct answer is b. Although comparative linguistics is a branch of historical linguistics, comparative linguistics is specifically concerned with comparing the linguistics of one person/place from the next.


Incorrects are on 3 and 4.


When Athena departs from Telemachus and Nestor how does she reveal that she is a Goddess?


She takes the form of a bird and flies away :)

In the early sections of the Odyssey, Athena appears to Telemachus in disguise as Mentor. As Mentor, she gives Telemachus the confidence to speak to Nestor about his father, Odysseus. Nestor relates what he knows (which is little), but bids Telemachus seek his father with the same zeal Orestes took in avenging Agamemnon’s death. Nestor sends Telemachus to Sparta to seek information about his father, and the wise old king sends his son, Pisistratus, as a companion. Athena departs following these events.

When Athena departs from Telemachus and Nestor, she reveals herself to be a goddess by putting off her disguise and flying away in the likeness of a vulture (or eagle, depending on your translation). As the Richard Lattimore translation relates in Book 3, lines 371-377 (the spellings in his translation differ from some spellings in other translations):

So speaking, gray-eyed Athene went away in the likeness 
of a vulture, amazement seized on all the Achaians,
 and the old man was amazed at what his eyes saw. He took
Telemachos by the hand and spoke a word to him and named him:
‘Dear friend, I have no thought that you will turn out mean and cowardly
if, when you are so young, the gods go with you and guide you

Considering the circumstances of the story, how does the connotative meaning of descending affect the mood of the story?A.
The positive and loving connotative meaning of descending helps create a romantic mood.
The negative and dangerous connotative meaning of descending helps create a suspenseful mood.
The neutral and balanced connotative meaning of descending helps create a calm mood.
The negative and depressing connotative meaning of descending helps create a somber mood.


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "The negative and dangerous connotative meaning of descending helps create a suspenseful mood." Considering the circumstances of the story, the connotative meaning of descending affect the mood of the story is that The negative and dangerous connotative meaning of descending helps create a suspenseful mood.


B: The negative and dangerous connotative meaning of descending helps create a suspenseful mood.


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