¡Por fin! Hoy abre nuestro restaurante. Quiero que todos (1) sepan (saber) qué platos ofreceremos hoy. Es muy importante que nuestros clientes (2) encontren (encontrar) aquí un ambiente agradable y tranquilo. ¡Ante todo, satisfacer al cliente! Si el cliente prefiere un plato que no (3) tiene (tener) carne, podemos ofrecerle nuestro delicioso plato verde o nuestra variedad de ensaladas. Lo más importante es que sean atentos. ¡Ah, olvidé algo...! Necesito a alguien que (4) hable (hablar) español e inglés, porque sé que vendrán muchos extranjeros a visitarnos. Ya hice un recorrido (tour) por el sector y creo que no hay ningún otro restaurante que se (5) parece (parecer) al nuestro. Por favor, escuchen atentamente, puedo parecer estricta, pero no quiero que ninguno de ustedes (6) lleguen (llegar) tarde.


Answer 1

what do you need to do with the text?

Answer 2

cual es la pregunta


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in this activity yo wold see/ visit a museum or your going to visit the web site of two artist from mexico  look for the two artist is all in traslated

This question is based on Listening Comprehension CD 4L, Side A/Track 1, the last story. This story is repeated as the first story on Side B/Track 2.Who chases the wolf away?

A. more wolves
B. the master
C. Sirco
D. the baby


Im not sure which one it is but its definitely not more wolves. just took the test and got it wrong


Im not sure either but its not more wolves or the baby so its either the master or Sirco


Please answer the following question in Spanish:How would you greet your teacher in the morning?

When entering your answers for fill in the blank and essay questions, please be sure to use accent marks and/or correct punctuation to avoid your answer being marked incorrect.

You may copy and paste the accented character or punctuation mark from this list if needed:
á é í ó ú ñ Á É Í Ó Ú ¿ ¡


Buenos dias maestra (her name) como esta ?

Good morning ms.(her name ) how are you ?

A scientist performed an experiment to test her hypothesis that a disease in horses was caused by a deficiency in an important mineral. The results did not support her hypothesis. However, some of her data showed an important change in one hormone. The scientist knew that the hormone was related to a different mineral, so she formed a new hypothesis. What is the most logical step for the scientist to take next?


The most logical next step for the scientist to take would be for her to perform a new experiment to test her alternative hypothesis. There is not much use in her forming a new hypothesis without also testing it, as this will not provide any further evidence for her research.




Oracion con la palabra criónica​



Congelar a alguien después de su muerte hasta encontrar la cura de su enfermedad se llama criónica.


Me gusta ____________ porque me ahorro dinero


Me gusta gastar menos porque me ahorro dinero.

Me gusta comprar poco porque me ahorro dinero.