What is the difference between summary and conclusion?


Answer 1
Answer: A summary is a short re-cap of something. It may be a paragraph or so longer. A conclusion is a statement of the end result. It is most likely only one sentence or so long.

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Which feature is a characteristic of a ballad?A. everyday language ordinarily used by most people
B. narrative verse set to music
C. narration through dialogue between characters
D. fourteen lines of lyrical verse



a ballad is a narrative verse set to music

Final answer:

A ballad is best characterized by having a narrative verse set to music and is traditionally sung. The language in a ballad varies and need not involve dialogue or a specific number of lines.


A ballad is characteristic of a couple of features but most notably, option B is correct: a ballad often takes the form of a narrative verse set to music. Ballads traditionally tell a story, and often a dramatic or sentimental one, intended to be sung. The language of a ballad can be everyday but it also can be poetic and enriched with various literary elements such as symbolism, metaphors, and so on. It's worth noting that ballads don't necessarily involve dialogue between characters like option C suggests, nor are they restricted to having exactly fourteen lines of lyrical verse like option D implies. These are more characteristics of other literary forms such as dramas or sonnets


A noun clause does not function as a modifier.
a. True
b. False?


The answer is, option A. True. A noun clause does not function as a modifier. A noun clause cannot function as a modifier because unlike adjectives and adverbs, this clause cannot be independent by itself and they can only function within a main sentence. 

What words make up the dependent clause... The duke of weselton starting working for a great reality show,which I watch every week


The first part, "The duke of weselton starting working for a great reality show" can stand on its own, making it an independent clause. That means that the second part is the dependant clause.

Why is the image of the setting sun most likely not described in great detail in "Because I Could Not Stop for Death"?



It is a common symbol of death that requires little description.


The image of the setting sun is the symbol of the approaching death or the end of life. The poem "Because I Could Not Stop For Death" is the poem that builds a positive image of death. Death has been personified to be a driver who was very polite and humble to the poet. It has shown its purest and simplest attitude when it arrived at the house of the poet to take her. It was during the journey that the poet witnesses the setting of the sun indicating the end of her life.

Because the mood created in the poem doesn’t require describing the sunset 

A student has written the following thesis statement for her college application essay:“In my senior year of high school, I demonstrated my leadership abilities by participating in a charity fundraiser in my local community.”

When considering the audience and purpose of the essay, this thesis statement is
A. too broad for the purpose.
B. too specific for the purpose.
C. strongly written and appropriate.
D. inappropriate for the audience.


B - too specific for the purpose

While that would be a good topic sentence, it is far too specific for the thesis of an entire essay

Wood picks, steels picks, and floral tape are part of an arragement's A. style.
B. mechanics.
C. texture.
D. theme.


Wood picks, steels picks, and floral tape are part of an arrangement's
B. Mechanics 
B - mechanics
trust me
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