What is an antonym for delicate


Answer 1
Answer: Ordinary,loud,horrible,unpleasant
Answer 2
Answer: coarse, lurid, strong, inept

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The conflicting motivations must Sergei sort out before he can decide whether or not to use his final wish is that he should choose either to desire that Yoni to be should be alive again and released the goldfish, or simply keep the desire so Sergei can have an company with the goldfish for himself.

HELPPPPP PLEASEEEEEE5. At the beginning of the excerpt, Wiesel says that "we sensed something out of the ordinary in the

air. The roll call was shorter than usual. The evening soup was distributed at great speed,

swallowed as quickly." The effect of these details is to *

(8 Points)

A. describe a typical night in the camp.

B. develop the author's voice and character.

C. create an ominous, tense mood.

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This question refers to Chapter 5: Night by Elie Wiesel.


The correct answer is option C. create an ominous, tense mood.


 As we can see in the author's words, there is an air of nervousness among the protagonists. It was felt that something was wrong, and everything was done in a hurry and tense way.

That is exactly what the author wants to convey with his words.

Therefore, we can say that the correct answer is the option C. create an ominous, tense mood.

An individual is described as ________ when they have the endurance to engage in daily activities, as well enough reserve energy to handle added challenges.



The answer is physically fit


A physically fit person is able to carry out activities without unwarranted fatigue. Physical fitness include muscle strength and endurance, flexibility, body composition etc. A physically fit person normally gets proper nutrition, enough physical exercise  and rest. A physically fit person is generally healthy .


Your correct answer is physically fit


Which sentence is correctly constructed with an independent clause and a dependent clause? A. As they examined the evidence afresh, they thought of a completely different explanation.
B. Examining the evidence afresh, they were thinking of a completely different explanation.
C. They examined the evidence afresh and thought of a completely different explanation.
D.They examined the evidence afresh to think of a completely different explanation.


The sentence that is correctly construed with an independent clause and a dependent clause is A) As they examined the evidence afresh, they thought of a completely different explanation.
The other sentences don't have dependent clauses, only phrases.

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Your answer is A. I was excited about the letter that arrived from Africa. 

Hope this helps.

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If you are going to write a short story, you don't need to make things up entirely. 
You should always use as much creativity as you can, but you can also take elements from real life and incorporate it in your story.
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While many people might scoff at the very concept, light pollution is fast becoming a serious problem. Light pollution most commonly occurs when the beam of a high-wattage fixture is aimed toward the sky. When a spotlight is used to illuminate statues or buildings, for example, some of the light falls on its intended target, while the rest of the light beam is left to scatter into thin air. The result is an effect called urban sky glow, which is essentially a giant shroud of misdirected light that hangs over a city in the night sky. While some may find this phenomenon picturesque when seen from an airplane, it is the reason why only the very brightest stars are visible to citizens of urban environments. As light pollution continues to increase, it is entirely possible that future generations of city dwellers will not be able to see any stars at all.Humans are not the only victims of light pollution; some wildlife species are adversely affected as well. Nocturnal animals such as owls and bats are driven from their own habitats when excessively bright lighting is introduced to these areas. As the growing amount of light pollution causes the habitats of nocturnal creatures to shrink, they will have a more difficult time finding food and breeding successfully. This will inevitably result in a serious population decline unless something is done to keep light pollution in check. Light pollution is a prime example of how most humans habitually consume energy without any consideration of the consequences. It is time that we stop turning a blind eye to the state of the world around us. Working to reduce light pollution is the perfect place to start. Is it truly necessary to have fifty spotlights illuminating trees on a corporate lawn? Is it essential for a restaurant that closes at midnight to have a flashing neon sign operating around the clock? Was the new outlet mall's grand opening only a success because of the two-megawatt searchlights that hurtled their beams at the stars? Nothing is gained from such blatant waste of light energy. What is the main idea of this essay? A. diminishing visibility of stars in the night sky B. effects of human encroachment on habitats of wild animals C. effects of high-wattage lights in urban areas D. use of bright lights in promotion and advertisement