Technician A says a 2:1 gear ratio doubles the amount of torque. Technician B says a 2:1 gear ratio reduces the speed by half. Which technician is correct? A. Technician A only
B. Neither Technician A nor Technician B
C. Both Technician A and Technician B
D. Technician B only


Answer 1

b, a 2 to 1 increases doubles speed and reduces speed by half

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create a Java program that prompt the user to enter a number of hours, wages, over time factor, then your program should calculate the employee total wages. Make sure your program can calculate the over time and regular wages if number of hours are great than 40 hours. Use 1.5 for over time factor. Make sure your Java code has comments showing declarations and description of your variables.



The program to the given question as follows:


import java.util.*; //import package for user input.

public class Main //defining class Main


public static void main(String[] as) //defining main method


final double over_time_factor = 1.5; //define final variable

double number_Of_hours,wages,total_Wages=0; //defining variables  

System.out.println("Enter hours and wages rate:"); //print message

Scanner obc = new Scanner(; //creating Scanner class object for user input

number_Of_hours = obc.nextDouble(); //taking input

wages = obc.nextDouble(); //taking input

if(number_Of_hours>40) //check condition if number_Of_hours greter then 40


total_Wages=40*wages+(number_Of_hours-40)*wages*over_time_factor; //calculate value


else //else part


total_Wages = number_Of_hours*wages; //calculate total_Wages


System.out.println("Total Wages: $"+total_Wages); //print value




Enter hours and wages rate:



Total Wages: $36.0


In the above java program, the package is first imported into the user input and then the class is defined and inside this, the main method is defined, that defines a double type final variable "over_time_factor" is defined that holds a value "1.5", Then double type variable is defined that are " number_Of_hours, wages, and total_Wages", in which first two variables are used for taking input from the user and the third variable is used to calculate their values. After taken input from the user, the conditional statement is used that can be defined as follows:

  • The if block, checks the variable "number_Of_hours" value is greater than 40 it will calculate over_time_factor value that is held by total_Wages variable.  
  • In else block, it will multiply the user input value that is store in total_Wages variable.  
  • At the end of the conditional statement, the print function is used that prints total_Wages variable value.  

Describe how a web browser and web server work together to send a web page to a user


TCP/IP, a network protocol, is used by a browser to connect to a web server and launch a Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The HTTP tries to get info and provide it for displays.

What is a web page?

A web page is a straightforward document that a browser can see. These documents are created using the HTML coding system. Tsi involves the data and the content that can be presented online.

The consumer must either type in URL for the page they want to access via the web or click on the hyperlink that contains the URL.

The Ip identifies the Website browser's Web address, and for the Search engine to comprehend it, they must both utilize the very same normal procedure. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the preferred means of communication here between a web browser and a server (HTTP).

Learn more about web page, here:


In order to get a page from the web , the user must type the Internet Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the page he or she wants, or click on the link that provides the URL. The URL specifies the Internet address of the Web browser to be understood by the Web browser, they must use the same standard protocol. The standard protocol for communication between Web browser and a Web server is Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). 

On a roulette wheel, the pockets are numbered from 0 to 36. The colors of the pockets are as follows: Pocket 0 is green. For pockets 1 through 10, the odd-numbered pockets are red and the even-numbered pockets are black. For pockets 11 through 18, the odd-numbered pockets are black and the even-numbered pockets are red. For pockets 19 through 28, the odd-numbered pockets are red and the even-numbered pockets are black. For pockets 29 through 36, the odd-numbered pockets are black and the even-numbered pockets are red. Write a program that asks the user to enter a pocket number and displays whether the pocket is green, red, or black. The program should display an error message if the user enters a number that is outside the range of 0 through 36.



pkt = int(input("Pocket Number: "))

if pkt == 0:


elif pkt >= 1 and pkt <=10:

   if pkt%2 == 0:




elif pkt >= 11 and pkt <=18:

   if pkt%2 == 0:




elif pkt >= 19 and pkt <=28:

   if pkt%2 == 0:




elif pkt >= 29 and pkt <=36:

   if pkt%2 == 0:







The program was written in Python and the line by line explanation is as follows;

This prompts user for pocket number

pkt = int(input("Pocket Number: "))

This prints green if the pocket number is 0

if pkt == 0:


If pocket number is between 1 and 10 (inclusive)

elif pkt >= 1 and pkt <=10:

This prints black if packet number is even

   if pkt%2 == 0:


Prints red, if otherwise



If pocket number is between 11 and 18 (inclusive)

elif pkt >= 11 and pkt <=18:

This prints red if packet number is even

   if pkt%2 == 0:


Prints black, if otherwise



If pocket number is between 19 and 28 (inclusive)

elif pkt >= 19 and pkt <=28:

This prints black if packet number is even

   if pkt%2 == 0:


Prints red, if otherwise



If pocket number is between 29 and 36 (inclusive)

elif pkt >= 29 and pkt <=36:

This prints red if packet number is even

   if pkt%2 == 0:


Prints black, if otherwise



Prints error if input is out of range



You are installing several servers that will be used as web servers to reach customers over the Internet. Where should you place the servers?proxy area


internal network

external network


Answer: DMZ


 DMZ is the demilitarized zone network and it is use in providing he various services to the users or customers by using the public internet. It basically contain organizational services in the logical and physical sub-network and usually works in large network.

The main purpose of DMZ that it is use as web server over the internet for reaching to the users and customers. It also add one additional layer in the organization for security purpose.

Some of the services that DMZ provides as web server, DNS and proxy server.  

Write a function named "read_json" that takes a JSON formatted string as a parameter and return the data represented by the input in the appropriate types for this language. For example, if the input string represents a JSON object you should return a key-value store containing the same data?



Following are the program in the Python Programming Language.

import json #import package

#define function

def read_json(info):

 return json.loads(info)#load data in variable

#call and print the function

print(read_json('[{'A': 10}, {'Y': 16}, {'U': 28}]'))


[{'A': 10}, {'Y': 16}, {'U': 28}]


following are the description of the code

  • Define function "read_json()" and pass an argument "info" inside it.
  • Return the data inside from the "load()" function .
  • Call the function i.e "read_json" and passing the value to that function.
  • Print function print the data which is inside the "read_json" function.

Write a function namedadd_complex that adds the correspondingnumbers of its arguments (both complexstructures), then returns the result (anothercomplex structure)



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

struct complex{//structure of comlex number..

double real;

double img;


complex add_complex(complex n1,complex n2)//add_complex functrion to add 2 complex numbers..


   double a,b;//variables to hold the sum of real and imaginary.

   complex sum;//result sum complex number.

   a=n1.real+n2.real;//adding real parts.

   b=n1.img+n2.img;//adding imaginary parts..

   sum.real=a;//assinging values to sum.


   return sum;//returning complex number sum.


int main()


 complex c1,c2,sum;

 double a,b;

 cout<<"Enter values of c1"<<endl;




 cout<<"Enter values of c2"<<endl;





 cout<<"The sum is : "<<sum.real<<" + i"<<sum.img<<endl;

 return 0;



Enter values of c1

8.5 7.2

Enter values of c2

4.5 3.9

The sum is : 13 + i11.1


First I have created a structure for complex number.Then created a function to add two complex numbers according to the question which returns a complex number.