Which of the following best describes the behavior of silica rich magmaA. Highly viscous and associated with violent eruptions
B. Highly viscous and associated with quiet volcanic eruptions
C. Stays deep within earth because of low viscosity
D. Cannot flow but is limited to fixed areas of hotspot volcanism


Answer 1

Answer: Option (A)

Explanation: Silica rich magma are those in which the magma has more than 65 % of silica content. The higher the silica content, the higher is its viscosity i.e viscosity of a magma is directly proportional to the silica content of magma.

This highly viscous magma inside the volcanoes moves sluggishly and mostly gets concentrated in the vents and seals them. With time, when the pressure exerted by the magma is too high, it creates violent eruptions through the vents.

Thus, the correct answer is option (A).

Answer 2


A. Highly viscous and associated with violent eruptions


Most silica rich magma have high viscosity and huge amount of trapped gases within them. As they continue to upwell and expand, the gases causes violent eruptions near Volcanoes. Most granitic/rhyolitic magma are silica rich.

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The birds can glide in the air without moving their wings by maintaining the thrust of the air by their weight and move downward at a very slower rate.

Further Explanation:

The birds have a capability of flying high in the air without flapping their wings and still not falling down rather they glide downwards due to the up thrust of the air. This technique of the birds to keep them in the air without flapping their wings is termed as soaring.

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Thus, the birds can glide in the air without moving their wings by maintaining the thrust of the air by their weight and move downward at a very slower rate.

Learn More:

1. What type of mirror do dentist use brainly.com/question/997618

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3. Forces of attraction limit the motion of particles most in brainly.com/question/947434

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Physics

Chapter: Up thrust

Keywords:  Airborne, flapping wings, birds, soaring, vultures, weight, maintain flight, gliding, move downward, turbulence, primary wings.

They're riding on thermals, these are rising columns of air caused by the uneven heating of Earth's surface from solar radiation.

Hope this helped!