What does the phrase words are but wind mean?


Answer 1


It means that that words are not firm or dependable winds comes and go never stay at a place same is with words they don't stay.. I think that this means that words are not very dependable or you can't always count on what somebody says.


The wind comes and goes and most peoples words do just that.

Please mark brainliest.

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he goana save agian cause we are all sinners


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B. Scene
C. Opinion


it's B because the area around the writer is the scene 

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Read the passage. Excerpt from "A Cooking Revolution: How Clean Energy and Cookstoves Are Saving Lives" by Chef José Andrés, June 7, 2016

Cooking: it's a simple act that has brought families around the world together for thousands and thousands of years. As a chef, I can think of few things more beautiful than that. However, I also know how deadly such a simple act can be , not only to our health, but to our environment. Think about it: For Americans, turning on the stove means simply turning a knob or switch. For people living in developing countries, particularly women and children, it means hours of collecting fuels like firewood, dung, or coal to burn in a rudimentary, smoky cookstove or over an open fire. The result is a constant source of toxic smoke that families breathe in daily, causing diseases like child pneumonia, heart disease, and lung cancer ,  not to mention taking a child away from her education. In fact, diseases caused by smoke from open fires and stoves claim 4.3 million lives every year. That's more than AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis combined. And the environment suffers, too. When people collect wood every day from their local forests to create charcoal or fuel for wood-burning stoves, it creates an unsustainable pace of deforestation that leads to mudslides, loss of watershed, and other environmental consequences. These stoves also contribute up to 25 percent of black carbon emissions, a pollutant that contributes directly to climate change. You see, from what we cook to how we cook, our food connects with our lives on so many levels. That's why having access to better technology and clean energy for cooking is as equally important as the ingredients in the food being prepared. It's also why I'm proud to support an effort to bring clean cookstoves and fuels to millions of people in developing countries. Together with the United Nations, the U.S. government, and partners around the world, the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves focuses on working with local communities and organizations to develop a market for cookstoves and fuels that significantly reduce emissions, cook more efficiently, and fit with local customs and culture.... The Obama administration's investment goes a long way toward achieving our goal of bringing access to clean cookstoves and fuels to 100 million households in places like China, Guatemala, Kenya, and India by 2020. Just last month, India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced his plan to connect 50 million Indian families to clean cooking gas over the next three years. This is an important step being taken at an unprecedented scale, and it could help protect the lives of millions, while also improving India's environment. That's powerful, people! Mothers can be healthier. Young girls have more time to go to school. Forests grow again. People can feed themselves without risking their lives to cook a meal. That's what we can accomplish by providing clean cookstoves and fuels. And that's a simple act that can change the world for years and years to come.

Which phrase best describes the author's purpose for describing India's plan?

A.) to explain why countries are likely to be unable to address the problem without support

B.) to provide an example of what one country is doing to address the problems introduced in the article

C.) to garner external support and funding to expand India's program beyond the current plan

D.) to compare what India is doing with what the United Nations and the United States are doing


Answer: I would contend that the right answer is the C) To garner external support and funding to expand India's program beyond the current plan.

Explanation: Just to elaborate a little on the answer, it can be added that since the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves focuses on making available cookstoves and fuels that are safe for humans and enviromentally-friendly, when Chef José Andrés, who acts as a spokesperson for that Alliance, describes India's plan of providing clean cooking gas as an "important step," he is persuading his audience to collaborate with his organization, so not only gas, but actual cookstoves, become desirable to, and can be acquired by, the population of that country.  




How do the curate and the barber convince Don Quixote to leave the forest with them?A.
They tell him that Sancho Panza is in trouble and needs help.
They tell him that he is going to aid a fair princess.
They tell him that they know where to find Gines de Passamonte.
They tell him that his niece is worried about him.You're beautiful Thanks For Helping :)


One way in which the curate and the barber convince Don Quixote to leave the forest with them is that they "They tell him that Sancho Panza is in trouble and needs help."


A. They tell him that Sancho Panza is in trouble and needs help.


Quixote is an aged man of his word from La Mancha, Spain. Fixated on the gallant beliefs touted in books he has pursued, he chooses to take up his spear and sword to shield the powerless and annihilate the insidious.

After a first fizzled experience, he sets out on a second one with a bewildered worker named Sancho Panza, whom he has induced to go with him as his unwavering squire.

Which form of the modifier best completes the sentence? Of the twins, Jeff is the __________ listener. A. best B. better C. bestest D. more better


 I think A.is the answer for your sentence.
I believe A. best is the correct answer.
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