What atom contains 6 protons and electrons


Answer 1
Answer: The Carbon atom contains exactly 6 protons and 6 electrons
Answer 2
Answer: An atom that has 6 protons is a carbon atom. The number of electrons that are surrounding the nucleus determines whether it is electrically charged or if it's electrically neutral.

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Males use a protein to detect pheromones sent by females.

Protein work as a chemical signal for the mating.


Pheromones are secreted by the individual of the similar species and they provide signals for communication by releasing a protein substance, they are like alarm substances.

This protein helps to guide females and males so that reproduction can occur.

Females beetles released sex pheromones into the environment, which give a signal of their mating availability.

Then these pheromones are detected by receptors present on the male beetles, and in this way, they find the females for mating .

they send proteins as chemical messages

According to evolutionary history and taxonomy, tigers resemble ____________ more closely than they resemble fish. A) hydra B) gorillas C) sea urchin D) grasshoppers


The correct answer is option B, Gorillas

Tiger resembles gorillas as these two animal species are high order vertebrates and live in the same habitat i.e on land. Most of their physical and biological features are same or their functionality concepts are same. While fish are primates of lower order and live in water , thus they posses many distinctive feature which are absent in tigers. Insects are Arthropods and are invertebrates.

I think its B hope it helps

Which of the following did not allow researchers to further explore below the ocean’s surface?a.


The correct answer is C. Palomares

That is because that region is full of dangerous nuclear products that might bring more harm than do good.

The correct answer choice for the question that is presented above is as follows: The palomares did not allow researchers to further explore below the ocean's surface. This village is the place where a radioactive contamination accident took place.

Answer: C) Palomares

I hope this helps, Regards.

According to Kate, what is the secret of perfect popcorn popping




If we´re assuming that you´re talking about homemade popcorn, the trick is simple: 2- 5 drops of oil (depending on how much corn you want to pop).

Another secret that I´ve acquired wiht several failures, is that you count 15 seconds after the last popping and if you don´t hear another popping, then your popcorn are ready! (I know, it sounds redundant).

Right amount of water is the secret.

If one amino acid is a protein sequence is changed what could happen


The correct answer is that a completely different protein will be synthesized. Proteins are made out of long chains of amino acids. There's 500+ of them but only 20 or so are used for humans. They have infinite amounts of combinations and each combination synthesizes a different protein. Our body knows what it needs so it synthesizes it from food that we take.

What part of the respiratory system is composed of a single layer of epithelial tissues surrounded by a network of capillaries? a. alveoli b. trachea c. bronchiole


I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is option A. It is the alveoli that is composed of single layer surrounded by a network of capillaries. These are used to allow oxygen and carbon dioxide to move from the lungs to the bloodstream.




  • Alveoli is the part of the respiratory system which forms the site for an exchange of gases.
  • The exchange is essential to release out carbon dioxide and take in oxygen.
  • Alveoli being the site of gaseous exchange should have the essential features of a good respiratory surface which are - thin, moist and enriched with blood vessels.
  • Due to this, the alveoli are made up of a single layer of epithelial cell and has a network of capillaries surrounding it that carry blood to facilitate the exchange the gases.