What is racial discrmination?


Answer 1
Answer: The dictionary definition is:the practice of treating individuals differently because of their race or color 

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Disparity, discrimination.


  • In decision making process, disparity exists when there is inconsistency and inequality in the allotment of funds, schemes, bills, political resources etc. by the legislation.
  • The most common disparity that occur in decision making process is the economic disparity.
  • Discrimination is the act of unfair treatment towards a certain group of individuals, gender, community, race, etc.
  • In a legal process, discrimination occurs when sentencing processes or verdicts are construed according to the characteristics of the defendant.

ABC Software charges a price for its video games that maximizes its profits. This company most likely functions in a market.collusin
single seller


I believe the answer is: Single seller

A single seller market is another name for a monopolistic market. In this market, only one company/organization control the sales of a certain product.

Since there is no competitor in the market, a single seller company could increase the price of its product as high as it can to maximize profit without worries since the consumers do not have any other option.

This company functions in a single seller kind of market. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the second option. Since the company ABC Software is getting the maximum amount of profit by selling its video games, it can be assumed that there are no competitor companies. 

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c. have no effect on
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The best answer would be (a.) stress. The effect of local population fluctuations in rapidly expanding suburbs may stress schools, roads, police, and even the fire services. The instability of a local population will make a big impact for the services that is being provided in that area.

When considering personality disorder–trait specified, traits like emotional lability, submissiveness, and hostility would all fall under the trait of:?


histrionic personality trait
 this is a cluster B personality disorder that makes a person develop emotional liability, submissive thus easily influenced by others, and moderate  hostility emanating from shallow and rapid emotional changes.

The answer is histrionic personality disorder.

Further explanation:

When we consider personality disorder, traits like submissiveness, emotional liability and hostility would come in the trait of histrionic personality. Historic personality disorder is a cluster B personality disorder which is also referred as dramatic personality disorders.


People with histrionic personality disorders have unstable and intense emotions. They have distorted self-images. Their self esteem depends on the other person’s approval. These people often behave inappropriately or dramatically to get attention.

People with a histrionic personality disorder become uncomfortable unless an individual is the center of attention. They are overly concerned with their physical appearance. People with this disorder constantly seek approval from others. These people don’t show concern for others.  

People with a histrionic personality disorder don’t think before acting. They make rash decisions and they are sensitive to disapproval or criticism. These people lack sincerity as they act very dramatically in front of others.

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Answer details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Social Studies

Topic: Histrionic Personality Disorder

Keywords: personality, submissiveness, hostility, disorder, decision, sensitive, histrionic, appearance

Where is marathon on a map


Marathon is a city in Greece, next to Athens. It lies around 42 kilometers from Athens, and the marathons that we run today are a reminder of a run that a soldier in ancient Athens undertook to notify the Athenians about the outcome of a battle.

See a map in attachment!

The United States has this type of economic system. User: An economic system in which the government makes all decisions about how goods and services are produced and distributed is called - a. Free Enterprise
c. Socialism
b. Mercantilism
d. Communism


The United States has this type of economic system.- this is a mixed economic system (some people would claim that it's capitalism, but it's not full capitalism, for example some goods are prohibited)

And the
economic system in which the government makes all decisions is called communism!