What planet has the largest dust storms?


Answer 1
Answer: Mars has the largest dust storms.

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Final answer:

In liquids, particles keep changing their neighbors while sliding past each other, confined to the shape of the vessel. In gases, particles are free, separated by large distances, and move rapidly in straight lines. Temperature is a measure of the average motion energy of the particles in both liquids and gases.


The movement of particles in liquids and gases is different due to their states of matter. In liquids, particles are held together by attraction, allowing them to slide smoothly past each other and change neighbors, but they remain confined to the shape of the vessel they are in. This is a less energetic state of movement.

On the other hand, in gases, particles are broken free of bonds. They travel in straight lines and are separated by large distances compared to their size, colliding with each other or the walls of the container. They are in a more energetic state and rapidly occupy all the accessible volume, hence gases can expand without limit to fill their containers.

At a microscopic level, the temperature of a liquid or gas is a measure of the average motion energy of the particles making it up - the hotter the liquid or gas, the more rapid the motion of its molecules or atoms.

Learn more about Particle Movement in Liquids and Gases here:



Which net force occurs when combined forces are balanced?
A. 0 N
B. 50 N
C. 100 N



A. 0 N


One force is subtracted from the other to calculate the net force. If the opposing forces are equal, or balanced, the net force is zero.

Hope this helps!

A. 0 N :))))))))))))))))))

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