Strategies to improve water quality in the region include


Answer 1
Answer: collecting rain water 

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A ____ is an election that is part of the process for choosing presidential candidates?



A primary is an election that is part of the process for choosing presidential candidates.


Primary elections are held to let the members of a particular party select which candidate will be presented in the representation of the party in the regular elections.

There are two types of primaries, open primaries in which the elections are open to all the voters. Or closed primaries in which the elections are held only between the members of the party.

I hope this answer helps you.

i think its presidential primary it would help if i could see the opitions

How did Stephen Douglas help win approval of the Compromise of 1850?


Stephen Douglas, a Democrat from Illinois, helped push the bills for the Compromise of 1850 through congress.

Gahmuret _ indian mythological name



Gahmuret indian mythological name garutmat

I hope that's help !

Factories and mills in the early nineteenth century employed women and children as well as men. Mark the statement if it is true about women and children in factories and mills. A. Most of the workers in cotton mills were women and children. B. The number of hours children could work was severely restricted. C. Children could not work in factories or mills until they were twelve years of age. D. Women and children earned a fraction of what men were paid. Its more then one answer.


The answers would be A and D. These are both true. It is not true however that working hours for children were restricted, nor kids had to be twelve to work. Many children worked at a very young age and didn't have an education.


The answers are A and D


How did the two sides in the american revolution differ?


There were two sides to the American Revolution and they were the colonists and the loyalists. The colonists did not want to pay higher taxes to a government where the colonists had no representatives. They also did not want to pay high taxes to fund the war British were waging against the French. They also did not like being told what to buy and what to sell and where to sell. But the loyalists thought that it would be the same after getting freedom since they were of the opinion that the colonists were not fit for running a government. They were also insecure about being protected from other countries aggressions.

Which of the flowing countries was not an ally



What was the math that lit the explosion of World War I?

a. Assassination of Austrio-Hungary's Archduke Ferdinand by Serbian nationalist.

Which of the following countries was not an Ally?

d. Germany was not an ally, but was a key player in the Central Power.

What were the lethal underwater weapons used by the Germans?

a. U-Boats, which is pretty much submarines that were used by the Germans to try to break the British supply chain.

What was the name of the British ship carrying ammunition that was sunk?

a. Lusitania, which was a passenger British liner that was sunk by German U-Boats on transit. It was correctly thought to have been transporting war goods (which would have made it targetable), but it was definitely one of the sparks that led the US to join in the war completely on the Allied side.


the answer is D. Germany.