How are boundaries between river systems and natural vegetation regions different?


Answer 1
Answer: Rivers are divided by watershed boundaries, lines that follow the hirght og the loand and the water drians off in the opposite directions. In nature it is virtually impossible to see where oneregion of vegetation starts and ends. Natural vegetation regions gradually change through transition zones.

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Explanation:Originally Answered: Is it possible that one day English is no longer the world's lingua franca?

Yes. All you need is economic decline and US losing its economic and violence hegemony. Within EU, it is already happening.

With Brexit, English will cease being one of the official languages in EU. Either German or French will replace it as the hegemonic language, and I speak both. The only Anglophone nation in EU remaining will be Ireland, whose population basis and economical significance are not remarkable enough to heave it as the official language.

China has already eclipsed US as the dominant economy in the world, India is a rising might, and the Schweitzer of the world economy is shifting gradually to the other side of the Pacific. NATO has proved more or less a paper tiger (with nuclear teeth, of course) and US is becoming more and more isolationist all the time.

Brexit is basically UK shooting its own leg. With Brexit, UK will lose all the benefits of the internal markets of EU, the cultural community within Europe and the cultural and linguistic domination and preference within EU. It effectively will become the 51st state of US.

Perhaps the greatest variable in this thing is the incompatibility of US weights and measures with the rest of the world. The rest of the world is Metric, while US clings to their age-old foot-pound units which should have been ditched already centuries ago. They create an immense impediment on world trade, and animosity towards US. This can be a trigger on English also losing its status as lingua franca.

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The answer is friction. Whenever anything decides to enter our atmosphere, they enter pretty fast, faster than they were in space thanks to gravity. But since they go really fast, they create friction with the gases. Those gases may be flammable and they light up. Then you see that it seems like the meteorite is burning, but actually it's the atmospheric gases around it.
when the meters enter the atmosphere they become meteorites they burn up because friction

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Is an softball similar to the size of an coffee mug?


A softball is similar to the SIZE of a coffee mug, but not the SHAPE. I hope this helped. 
It really depends on the size of the coffee mug but with an an average sized mug, but for starters, the softball isn't the same size, second, the softball would probably be wider but still a little bit shorter than the coffee mug

I hope I helped

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