What happened at the 1968 democratic convention


Answer 1


Several protests


The Democratic Convention of 1968 is often remembered by the several protests that erupted. Many groups were involved in the protests, Yippies, Latinos, Puerto Ricans, McCarthy supporters that aimed to change the system, Students that were democratic activists. 

This mass of different protesters formed a number of thousands of protesters that aimed Vietnam and the political status quo. 

There were riots and bloodshed that involved the protesters, the police and people who happen to be there. Despite the pandemonium that was held, the riots did nothing to stop the Vietnam War and the presidential election, Republican Richard Nixon won the presidential race.

Answer 2


The protests at the 1968 Democratic National Convention might have gone off reasonably peacefully with marches, concerts, and rallies, except that on 22 August, four days before the Convention officially began, an American Indian boy named Dean Johnson was shot and killed by the Chicago police.


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b. factory owners
c. immigrants
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The answers are:

B.(factory owners)

D.(middle class)

I took the test, hope this helps!

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