In the number 2222.222 how does the 2 in the hundreds place compare to the 2 in the place to it's left


Answer 1



The "two to the left" of a 2 in the hundred's place is 10 times larger than the 2 in the 100ths place.  

2 in the 10ths is 10 times larger than the 2 in the hundredths place

Answer 2

Final answer:

The 2 in the hundreds place of the number 2222.222 is 10 times greater than the 2 in the tens place. This is due to our number system being based on powers of ten.


In the number 2222.222, the 2 in the hundreds place is 10 times greater than the 2 in the place to its left - which is in the tens place. This is because our number system is based on powers of ten, where each place to the left is ten times larger than the place to its right. For example, the value in the tens place is 10 times smaller than the value in the hundreds place. Similarly, the 2 in the ones place of 2222.222 is 10 times smaller than the 2 in the tens place, and so on for the decimal places.

Learn more about Powers of Ten here:


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In poetry, the use of "iambs" as a meter form where the first syllable forms the unstressed part of the rhythm while the next syllable is the stressed part of the rhythm. In the above provided sentence "He sings", "he" is the unstressed syllable while like it is already written in the question, "SINGS" is already capitalized, thereby suggesting it is the stressed syllable. These two stressed and unstressed syllables are the most  important components of the metrical foot used in poetry.  "Iambs" represent the unstressed and stressed syllables in the poem in poetry.

I think it is true. He is unstressed while sings is stressed. THIS IS SHOWN BY THE CAPITAL LETTERS IN SINGS.