Which statement best explains why the beaks of finches in the Galapagos Islands are different based on what they eat?All life must maintain homeostasis in order to survive.
Individual parts work together to perform a function.
Different organisms interact with each other.
Structure and function are tied together or related in living things.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is ‘structure and function are tied together or related in living things'. The structure of the beaks of finches in the Galapagos are tied to their functions; for example, if they have to go inside narrow plants or spaces, they are longer and thinner.
Answer 2


Structure and function are tied together or related in living things.


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The answer is C) they can be differentiated to form insulin-producing cells. 

Diabetes is characterized by high blood sugar level. In normal condition, insulin secreted from pancreas maintain blood sugar level by decreasing it. In Type 1 diabetes beta cells of a pancreas which produce insulin are destroyed. Thus, if there is no enough insulin, the level of sugar in the blood remains high. Therefore, stem cells can be used as precursors of pancreatic cells in order to differentiate into insulin-producing cells. This would provide enough insulin to maintain blood sugar level.

I agree that the answer is C.

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i dont even know honestly



its a


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One significant effect of vascular plants is that they help in maintaining the ecological balance by preventing desertification. Desertification is the process by which a fertile land area becomes desert. Vascular plants are a group of plants that have lignified tissues for conducting water and minerals in the plant.

C. They help maintain ecological balance by preventing desertification. The seed is protected by The Ovaries.

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Gene Flow is an exchange of genes between two different populations. If birds migrate from their original habitat into another habitat that is inhabited by another population, they might breed and exchange genes. 

For example, a population of short birds migrates into the habitat of a population of tall birds. This might result in the hatching of medium height birds. 

Answer: During migration, birds may carry seeds or pollen from fruits and flowers in their other habitat. They deposit these seeds and pollen grains in their new habitat. If the seeds take to the new conditions, the new kinds of plants expand the area's gene pool.


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D) Cell shrinkage
Answers A and B display characteristics of a hypotonic environment

What two ways helpful bacteria work to keep you healthy


hello. there are many ways in which bacteria can help your body function. One way is yes, they can act as powerful enzymes which also has a part in the digestion process. Another way is (have you ever thought about it!) when you sweat, your body  releases powerful bacteria which helps your body stay moist when needed. Also, in the pancreas or any other gland of the body, helpful bacteria can be mixed in with some of the hormones that we release. Hope this was very helpful, and good luck with your homework. Remember, if you have a science question, i'll answer just add me to friends. :))
They help you in digestion