Industrial slavery definition in an easy way to understand


Answer 1

Estamos inundados de señales desde temprano en la vida, animando a cada uno de nosotros a caminar un camino particular, estableciendo anteojeras en nosotros a lo largo del camino para desanimarnos de buscar alternativas a lo que la manada está haciendo o pensando.


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well its always up to you what you would like to wear because at the end of the day it is your body ,and yes sometimes we like to wear high heels to look good but if its hurting dont wear them and if my boss wanted me to wear them i would just tell him straight up no because wearing high heels for like 6 hours or so a day can be extremely painful
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You can be arrested for DUI under the influence of a stimulant. True.
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Why was the Ottoman Empire able to commit a genocide against Armenian people during the war?





The Armenian genocide was the systematic killing and deportation of Armenians by the Turks of the Ottoman Empire.  

In 1915, during World War I, leaders of the Turkish government set in motion a plan to expel and massacre Armenians.  

Armenian Genocide  

The Armenian genocide began on April 24, 1915. That day, the Turkish government arrested and executed several hundred Armenian intellectuals.

After that, ordinary Armenians were turned out of their homes and sent on death marches through the Mesopotamian desert without food or water.

At the same time, the Young Turks created a “Special Organization,” which in turn organized “killing squads” or “butcher battalions” to carry out, as one officer put it, “the liquidation of the Christian elements.”

These killing squads were often made up of murderers and other ex-convicts. They drowned people in rivers, threw them off cliffs, crucified them and burned them alive. In short order, the Turkish countryside was littered with Armenian corpses.

Though reports vary, most sources agree that there were about 2 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire at the time of the massacre. In 1922, when the genocide was over, there were just 388,000 Armenians remaining in the Ottoman Empire.

How can we ensure that the voice of the minority is heard?


The easiest and most efficient way that the voice of the minorities can be heard is by allowing them to have political parties.

By having an official political parties, representatives, the minorities can be heard by the wider public, they will be able to express their attitudes, their problems, request equality in the society they are living in, and also it can be used as nice way for integration with the majority group and other minorities.