Write a journal entry from the perspective of a trader on the silk road. describe each of the following ~ where you traveled

~ two dangers you encountered and how you overcame them

~ two goods you traded and why

~ one idea or belief you learned about.


Answer 1
Answer: Well the silk road was in Asia during the Western Han Dynasty which was around 207 B.C. to 9 A.D. One of the dangers was it was kinda illegal. As for the 2 goods you traded probably would be gold, jade, tea and spices. Beilef as in Religion it could be Hindu or Buddism and other variations of the 2. If you need a credit site or more information here you go: https://people.hofstra.edu/geotrans/eng/ch2en/conc2en/silkroad.html

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Final answer:

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One responsibility that is only for United States citizens is the responsibility to vote in federal elections. This responsibility comes from the constitution and amendments that have altered who qualifies as a citizen and their rights. For instance, all persons born or naturalized in the United States are citizens and have the privilege to participate in the election process. Offered to citizens of the United States who are eighteen years of age or older, the right to vote must not be denied or abridged on account of age. Voting is a cornerstone of the democracy of the United States, and as such, it falls to its citizens to elect their leaders and shape the laws and policies of the land.

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What effect did the development of the railroad system have on the steel industry?A.
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it increased production and demand
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Final answer:

The development of the railroad had a significant effect on the steel industry, it resulted in an increased production and demand. The requirement of steel for the construction of railroads prompted the growth of the steel industry. Further, the efficient transport of steel via the railroad system facilitated the expansion of both industries.


The development of the railroad system had a profound effect on the steel industry. It resulted in option B, an increase in production and demand. Railroads required a huge amount of steel for track lines, engines, and cars which prompted the growth of the steel industry to meet this high demand. This symbiotic relationship stimulated the economy and was a key factor in the industrial revolution.

Additionally, the railroad system allowed for the transport of large quantities of steel across the country at an unprecedented pace, contributing to greater efficiency and facilitating further growth in both industries.

Learn more about Industrial Revolution here:



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