Why do you think Florida was not a key battleground in the Civil War? PLEASE HELP!!!!


Answer 1
Answer: Florida was one of the states that was deep in south United states territory during the war. The north had no camp sites or command centers there and neither did the south, and even if they did the north would be outnumbered by southern troops and any deliveries to or from those camps containing food, water, and/or ammo would most-likely be attacked and either captured or destroyed. So even though Florida was southern territory and people from Florida fought during the war, the state itself was left untouched.

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a unitary state is the correct answer 
yup .....................a unitary state is the correct answer  

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The United States didn't want a repeat of World War l. We saw the kind of destruction and death WWl brought and didn't want to send our boys overseas to lose their lives. Also, war brings debt. We knew that we would have to spend a lot of money if America were to enter another war and just coming off of the Great Depression, President Roosevelt knew this wouldn't be a good idea. America was however providing indirect aid to England and France by enacting Lend-Lease and Cash and Carry policies which gave weapons to the allies and benefited America's economy.
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Based on the information in the map, which of the following statements describes how climate influenced the growth of the Aztec and Mayan civilizations?


well they mostly hunted and moved with their food supply until they figured out how to farm then they made villages and grew crops and domesticated animals

Final answer:

Climate greatly influenced the Aztec and Mayan civilizations' growth by facilitating large-scale agriculture. However, climatic variations, leading to environmental issues, contributed significantly to their decline, as demonstrated by the decline of the Mayan civilization around 900 CE due to poor soil and prolonged drought.


The climate significantly influenced the growth and decline of the Aztec and Mayan civilizations in various ways. For instance, these civilizations thrived in regions with favorable weather conditions that enabled large-scale agriculture. Both civilizations relied on maize cultivation, which required a balanced availability of rain and sunshine.

However, climate variations led to environmental problems that contributed to their decline. For instance, irregular rainfall patterns and extended droughts led to insufficient water for irrigation, affecting the agricultural yield. In the case of the Maya, this led to large-scale deforestation and soil erosion due to increased agricultural activities to feed their growing population. When climatic conditions became unfavorable, causing a string of bad harvests, it put pressure on both the elites and commoners, leading to social disorder, warfare, and even internal revolts.

Additionally, poor soil fertility in some regions made it difficult for these civilizations to sustain their agricultural practices, contributing to their decline. For example, the Mayan civilization, despite significant architectural and mathematical contributions, declined around 900 CE due to poor soil and a prolonged drought.

Learn more about Influence of Climate on Civilizations here:



Why do you think representation was such a difficult issue to resolve?


States did not want to lose power to the federal government.

Each state wanted to be equal in their say but there was concern over how to determine representation.

Largely populated states preferred a system where population determined representation. This would give large states a lot of power leaving small states and slave states with less representation. The other concern was how to count slaves--as persons or property. If they count as persons, then the South would have many more representatives than Northern states. If slaves count as people, however, it creates a moral issue. The other option was a straight set number for each state. Again if many states fell to one issue then other states could be shut down. The compromise was to create a two chamber Congress with the Senate having a set 2 representatives from each state and the House being set on population. Slaves were counted as 3/5 a person as stated in the Three-fifths Compromise.
One of the main reasons why representation was such a difficult issue to resolve was because the South had a large number of slaves, whom they wanted to count towards representation in Congress. This is where the 3/5 Compromise made each slave count for 3/5 of a person. 

At the beginning of the film, Mulan was reciting a litany of what a good daughter should be: "quiet, demure, graceful, polite, delicate, refined, poised and punctual". Are those goals that girls aspire to today? Should they?


Some of them yes some of them no. This applies to both questions albeit imperfectly.

Final answer:

Girls today can aspire to different traits based on their cultural, social contexts and personal values. What one 'should' aspire to be is largely personal and ought to align with their personal values and growth.


The question you've asked is more opinion-based rather than factual. However, from a social perspective, we can make some observations. The character traits defined in the film Mulan were representative of traditional gender roles in ancient China. Today’s goals for girls can definitely be different, depending on cultural and social context. It could be argued that characteristics such as intelligence, independence, compassion, and resilience are often regarded as aspirational today.

As for whether girls 'should' aspire to be 'quiet, demure, graceful, polite, delicate, refined, poised and punctual', this is a subjective question. What any individual, regardless of gender, 'should' aspire to be is largely personal and can be influenced by their societal context, personal values, and life goals. It's important for everyone to aspire towards traits that align with their personal values and contribute to their growth as individuals.

Learn more about Gender roles here:
