Part B - The effect of aerosols on weather and climate The composition of the atmosphere can vary widely from time to time, and place to place. Clean, dry air is mostly comprised of nitrogen and oxygen, with only about 1% of other gases. Water vapor forms clouds and transports heat. Aerosols (solid and liquid particles suspended in the air) decrease the amount of sunlight reaching Earth's surface. Ozone (O3) can block harmful ultraviolet radiation. Increases in the concentration of water vapor and aerosols increases the presence of clouds and fog. Increased clouds and fog, along with an increase in the concentration of ozone, results in a lower global temperature not only because more aerosols block more sunlight, but also because aerosols provide a surface for water to condense. High moisture content results in lower temperatures. In 1991, Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines erupted. The accompanying photo shows the ash and debris that the volcano propelled high into the atmosphere. What meteorological impact could these aerosols have on the global weather and climate?


Answer 1


Short term global cooling and more rainfall


The eruption of the volcano Mt. Pinatubo in the Philippines managed to propel lot of ash and debris into the atmosphere. The atmosphere is not static, and the air movement manages to disperse these aerosols over much wider area over the planet. Since the aerosols manage to partially block the sunlight, the global temperatures would suddenly drop, thus there will be cooling off of the weather conditions across the planet. Also, the aerosols manage to contribute to more condensation oft he water vapor, and that results in more precipitation, so there has also been more precipitation around the world. The effects have been short term though, as the amount of aerosols propelled into the atmosphere has not been that big so that it can cause long term changes of the climate.

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C. Why consumers are willing to pay high prices for items

D. Why decisions must be made how to use resources

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i am know everything :)

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