As Kamau walks down the road in “The Return,” why does he look straight ahead?


Answer 1

Question: As Kamau walks down the road in "The Return", why does he look straight ahead?


He looks straight ahead as he sees a group of women drawing water from the Honia river.

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i hope this helps i was a bit confused so srry if it doesn't


Perception  is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the presented information or environment.

All perception involves signals that go through the nervous system, which in turn result from physical or chemical stimulation of the sensory system. For example, vision involves light striking the retina of the eye; smell is mediated by odor molecules; and hearing involves pressure waves.

Perception is not only the passive receipt of these signals, but it's also shaped by the recipient's learning, memory, expectation, and attention. Sensory input is a process that transforms this low-level information to higher-level information . Sensory neuroscience studies the neural mechanisms underlying perception. Perceptual systems can also be studied computationally, in terms of the information they process. Perceptual issues in philosophy include the extent to which sensory qualities such as sound, smell or color exist in objective reality rather than in the mind of the perceiver.

"Percept" is also a term used by Deleuze and Guattari to define perception independent from perceivers.

Process and terminology  

The process of perception begins with an object in the real world, known as the distal stimulus or distal object. By means of light, sound, or another physical process, the object stimulates the body's sensory organs. These sensory organs transform the input energy into neural activity—a process called transduction. This raw pattern of neural activity is called the proximal stimulus. The image of the shoe reconstructed by the brain of the person is the percept. Another example could be a ringing telephone. The ringing of the phone is the distal stimulus. The sound stimulating a person's auditory receptors is the proximal stimulus. The brain's interpretation of this as the "ringing of a telephone" is the percept.

The different kinds of sensation  are called sensory modalities or stimulus modalities.

Bruner's model of the perceptual process    

Psychologist Jerome Bruner developed a model of perception, in which people put "together the information contained in" a target and a situation to form "perceptions of ourselves and others based on social categories." This model is composed of three states:

# When we encounter an unfamiliar target, we are very open to the informational cues contained in the target and the situation surrounding it.

# The first stage doesn't give us enough information on which to base perceptions of the target, so we will actively seek out cues to resolve this ambiguity. Gradually, we collect some familiar cues that enable us to make a rough categorization of the target.

# The cues become less open and selective. We try to search for more cues that confirm the categorization of the target. We also actively ignore and even distort cues that violate our initial perceptions. Our perception becomes more selective and we finally paint a consistent picture of the target.

Saks and John's three components to perception    

According to Alan Saks and Gary Johns, there are three components to perception:

#The Perceiver: a person whose awareness is focused on the stimulus, and thus begins to perceive it. There are many factors that may influence the perceptions of the perceiver, while the three major ones include  motivational state,  emotional state, and  experience. All of these factors, especially the first two, greatly contribute to how the person perceives a situation.

Final answer:

Perceptions of an event vary within individuals due to factors like background, experiences, and emotional states. Overlap occurs when shared commonalities exist. The analysis involves understanding individual backgrounds, beliefs, and positions during the event.


The subject of the essay should be the examination of how varied perceptions of the same event occur among different people. Events like 'A Night To Remember' are experienced through individual perspectives, colored by personal biases, experiences, and subconscious influences. The differences in perceptions can be attributed to factors such as cultural background, previous experiences, expectations, emotional states, and proximity to the event.

Overlap in experiences happens when two or more parties' perspectives coincide thanks to shared commonalities such as upbringing, beliefs, or simply being at the same vantage point during the event. However, even with overlaps, perceptions can still differ based on personal variations.

To analyze this, one must focus on individual characters and understand their backgrounds, beliefs, and where they were during the event. Comparing these aspects will reveal why their experiences differ or overlap.

Learn more about Perceptions here:


Which one of the following is an indictator that a source may not be accurate? a. the author is using emotionally charged language and innappropriate words or employing a tone that reveals an obvious bias.

b. the author doesn't offer facts, statistics, or specific examples, but uses vague statments and sweeping generalizations.

c. the writing is sub-par or contains errors

d. you're unable to find any other source that presents the same exact information or point of view.

To me these all seem inaccurate sources! help!


The author doesn't offer facts, statistics, or specific examples, but uses vague statements and sweeping generalizations is an indicator that a source may not be accurate.

Answer: Option B


Obviously, it is very important for the author to also mention from where the details are obtained so that they can be referred or checked in case there is a need to verify the same. While verifying is secondary, inclusion is something which can be interpreted.

Such that the author has done enough research to make a claim through the data being used and point being made.  Through the addition of facts, statistics and specific examples, the author establishes credibility and accuracy in the statements being made.

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The only one that makes kind of sense is vigil. While a vigil is usually a more serious event, it also usually involves staying up late with lights and bringing attention to a specific event or cause.

How are Romantic and Gothic literature related?O
A Romantic literature emphasizes feelings, and Gothic literature
evokes an enjoyable feeling of terror.
B. Romantic literature is centered around everyday life, and Gothic
literature turns ordinary events into terrifying ones.
C. Romantic literature is about the horrors connected with
passionate love, while Gothic literature involves stories filled with
blood and gore
D. Romantic literature focuses on criticizing negative energy, and
Gothic literature seeks to expose the sinister life of madmen.


The way in which Romantic and Gothic literature are related is:

  • A. Romantic literature emphasizes feelings, and Gothic literature  evokes an enjoyable feeling of terror.

Gothic literature has to do with the use of horror to create fear, suspense, mystery and intrigue in the minds of the readers and this is done through the use of haunted houses, ghosts, demons, etc.

On the other hand, romantic literature has to do with the theme of love where two people fall in love with each other and they fight for their love against all odds.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A

Read more about Gothic literature here:

Final answer:

Romantic and Gothic literature are related through their shared focus on emotions and the imagination, but differ in themes and settings.


Romantic and Gothic literature are related in several ways. Both genres emerged during the same time period in the late 18th and early 19th centuries and were reactions against the rationality and order of the Enlightenment. They both share a focus on emotions and the imagination, but differ in their themes and settings.

Romantic literature, often characterized by an emphasis on individualism and the sublime, explores the power of nature, the intense emotions of love and longing, and the triumph of the individual's spirit. Gothic literature, on the other hand, is known for its supernatural and macabre elements. It often features creepy settings like desolate castles, haunted houses, and ancient ruins, as well as themes of horror, mystery, and the grotesque.

While Romantic literature can evoke strong emotions using beautiful and uplifting scenes or characters, Gothic literature aims to evoke a feeling of terror and fear in the reader. Both genres were highly influential and have had a lasting impact on subsequent literature and art.