Tone, volume, and pace are part of


Answer 1
Answer: it is spoken language ,,,,,,,,,
Answer 2
Answer: Hey, Sofia1026!
Tone, volume, and pace are all a part of a spoken language!
Tone-Voice, whether it's a deep voice or not.
Volume-Sound, high or low.
Pace- Speed of talking.
I hope this helps;)

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How does the author support her argument that some modern voting laws might be intended to prevent minorities from exercising their civil rights? Cite evidence from the text in your response.



She cites a series of situations that happened in the country and are happening today, justified by laws, which diminish the ability of social minorities to vote.


The author of the article lists a series of laws that have been established in the states that make it difficult for social minorities, especially blacks, to be able to vote regularly. She says that even after the amendments that allowed black men to vote were passed, states have established other laws that prevent blacks from voting, such as requiring voters to read, for example. These laws were established in an increasingly influential manner, until civil rights were passed in the 1960s.

After civil rights, other laws were created every year that made it difficult for blacks, women, the working class, homosexuals to vote among other members of social minorities. Many of these laws still exist today.

Final answer:

The author argues that modern voting laws that may hinder minorities from practicing their civil rights are supported by evidence from scholarly and legal sources. This includes the impact of voter ID laws and restrictions on voting access, the historical context of disenfranchisement, and the ongoing influence of majoritarianism in policymaking.


The author supports her argument that some modern voting laws might be intended to hinder minorities from exercising their civil rights by citing various forms of evidence. First, she cites the work of Sarina Vij from the American Bar Association's Human Rights magazine which highlights the adverse impact of institutional obstacles such as voter ID laws and decreased access to polling places on minorities. Vij's research indicates that non-White individuals who lack government-issued identification and access to polling stations are more likely to be disadvantaged. Access to information about what is on the ballot and where to vote is often withheld from younger, less educated, and non-White voters, contributing to their further disenfranchisement.

Secondly, the author references a 2020 Harvard University study that lists restrictions on voter registration, early voting, student voting, elimination of same-day registration, and unchecked gerrymandering as factors amplifying voter suppression. These restrictions historically find their roots in the United States Jim Crow laws that fiercely excluded Black voters by using literacy tests, poll taxes, and stringent residency requirements.

Finally, the argument underscores the way majoritarianism continues to shape policy-making, with the majority often finding ways to curtail the political participation of minority groups notwithstanding the ratification of amendments to protect voting rights. The repeal of important aspects of the 1965 Voting Rights Act in 2013 and the introduction of new voter ID laws that disproportionately affect minorities supports this fact.

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Elongated hyphens would make this sentence grammatically correct: Gideon and Francis took a difficult but not interesting science course. Which sentence demonstrates the correct use of elongated hyphens? (4 points)

Gideon - and - Francis took a difficult but not interesting science course.
Gideon and Francis took a difficult but not - interesting science - course.
Gideon and Francis took a difficult - but not interesting - science course.
Gideon and Francis - took a difficult - but not interesting science course.


Answer: The sentence that demonstrates the correct use of elongated hyphens is "Gideon and Francis took a difficult - but not interesting - science course".

Explanation: Elongated hyphens are added in a sentence to emphasize a particular idea. Therefore, they have the opposite effect of parenthesis, which minimize the information provided. Moreover, elongated hyphens give place to abrupt interruptions. The sentence "Gideon and Francis took a difficult - but not interesting - science course" is the one that uses the elongated hyphens in a correct way because what the writer wants to emphasize is the fact that the science course was not interesting.

The sentence that demonstrates the correct use of elongated hyphens is:

"Gideon and Francis took a difficult but not - interesting science - course." (option B)

What is a Hyphen?

A hyphen is a sign that is used to join words together. When they are used in an elongated format, it is because they are used to join two or more words that together help to qualify a noun.

Hence the sentence that demonstrates the correct use of elongated hyphens is: "Gideon and Francis took a difficult but not - interesting science - course."

Learn more about hyphens at:

Select the verbal; indicate whether it is a participle, gerund, or infinitive; and indicate how it functions in the sentence. Sprinting, the gazelle outran the three lionesses


Final answer:

The verbal 'Sprinting' in the sentence is acting as a participle that modifies the noun 'gazelle'. Participles are different from gerunds and infinitives in function.


In the sentence, 'Sprinting, the gazelle outran the three lionesses,' the verbal is 'Sprinting'. It is acting as a participle, a word formed from a verb and used as an adjective or a noun while in this case, it's being used as an adjective. It's describing the gazelle's action, and hence, its role in the sentence is modifying the noun 'gazelle' to provide more information about how the gazelle is behaving.

Participles can often be confused with gerunds and infinitives, but they're different in their function. While participles act as adjectives, gerunds (-ing form of verbs) act as nouns, and infinitives (the 'to' form of verbs) often act as nouns, adjectives, or adverbs.

Learn more about Participle here:


How does contextual information about the Klondike gold rush help readers understand Jack London’s story and his purpose in the excerpt from “To Build a Fire”?


It provides context and insight into the motivations, fears and actions of both the main character and the secondary characters. The best examples are the use of characters who are expert trappers and who obviously respect and fear nature due to its power of both creation and destruction. The old man repeatedly warns him against traveling alone in the cold wilderness of winter. There is also the description of the way the main character and other trappers are dressed,  with “thick German socks”.  He also advises him to pay attention to his dog and heed its warnings.

The dog character shows how ungrateful, proud and ignorant he is as the dog is trying to accompany him and assist him and he fails to heed the dog’s instinctive warnings that his course of action will inevitably lead to his demise. The falling is not only physical but symbolic as he will fall due to his hubris. The fact that both the dog and the extreme cold represent both faces of nature underscores the man’s failure to use the more benign face to his advantage, foreshadowing his later death. The dog’s ears are flattened out of submission and they mirror the psychological ears of the man who fails to listen to all the warning of other expert trappers and nature. Finally, the power of nature is made very explicit as it is typified as the winner of his losing battle with it.

To Build a Fire  - the story of the famous American writer Jack London; popular version was published in 1908.This story is a prime example of the conflict between man and nature. Jack London reflected in the story of his own life in the Yukon Territory.

The protagonist travels through one of the trails of the Yukon in a very cold day (-75 ° F / -59 ° C), accompanied by a dog. He goes on the trail along the creek, conscious of the danger of natural traps that are generated by mining underground streams, because in such a wet cold would have meant certain death. Continuing the way, the traveler sinks knee-deep in water. He recalls an old man who had warned him that no man should not travel alone on the Klondike, if the temperature is below -50 ° F (-46 ° C).Traveler gets scared and he is preparing a fire to dry their clothes and do not die from the cold.

Which of the following is not a reason to use a brief note form when interviewingA) the brief note from make recording I the idea faster

B) the brief note form allows for the synthesizing of information

C) the brief note form let's you focus on listening to the answer

D) the brief note from maintain eye contact which shows you are engaged


The best and most correct answer among the choices provided by the question is the first choice. The brief note from make recording I the idea faster, is not a reason for using brief notes. I hope my answer has come to your help. God bless and have a nice day ahead!




from the person thats on top of my respones.

where does the comma go? Most people in Japan own a ketai the Japanese word for cellular phone because it is cheaper and more convenient than a conventional phone.


The most correct insertion of commas to the sentence stated above must be in this manner: 

Most people in Japan own a ketai, the Japanese word for cellular phone, because it is cheaper and more convenient than a conventional phone.