A species of lizard is found on the eastern and western sides of part of a mountain range. On both sides, individual populations are small. On the western side, individual populations are relatively close together and males move extensively among populations to breed. On the eastern side, however, populations are farther apart and males seldom move among more than one or two adjacent populations to breed. If you were to study the genetic diversity of western and eastern populations, which pattern would you expect to find?


Answer 1


A species of lizard is found on the eastern and western sides of part of a mountain range. On both sides, individual populations are small. On the western side, individual populations are relatively close together and males move extensively among populations to breed. On the eastern side, however, populations are farther apart and males seldom move among more than one or two adjacent populations to breed. If you were to study the genetic diversity of western and eastern populations, which pattern would you expect to find?

Each western population would be genetically diverse, although the allele frequencies might differ from one population to the next. Eastern populations would be less diverse, and some populations will have only a limited number of the total alleles available in the species.


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They were part of the carbon dioxide (CO2) molecules that entered through the leaves.

They were part of the water molecules (H2O) pulled in through the roots.


The right answer is D.

The first phase of photosynthesis, called the light phase, requires the illumination of the sheet. This photochemical phase corresponds to the capture of light energy by light-absorbing pigments and its conversion into chemical energy in the form of ATP. In this reaction, the photosensitive pigments ("chlorophyll b", carotene and xanthophylls) absorb and then channel the light energy to the "chlorophyll a" whose electrons are brought to a higher energy potential. In this excited state, the electrons of chlorophyll are derived to a system that extracts and stores their energy for later use in the synthesis of sugars. The result of this electron transfer is the splitting of the water molecules to give hydrogen (H) and oxygen (0) atoms. Oxygen escapes in gaseous form O2 into the atmosphere through open stomata. This whole sequence is done in a fraction of a second.

The reaction is as follows:

H2O ==> 1/2 O2 + 2e- + 2H +

Answer: Option D.  They were part of the water molecules (H2O) pulled in through the roots



Photosynthesis defined as the process by which plants make there own food by trapping sunlight and using carbon-dioxide and water to produce glucose as energy.

During photosynthesis oxygen is formed as raw material along with glucose after utilizing carbon-dioxide and water.

Photosynthesis process take place in two stages light-dependent and light-independent process. During the light-dependent reactions,  water molecule releases an electron and oxygen and hydrogen atoms gets free. The free oxygen atom combines with another free oxygen atom and forms diatomic oxygen (O2) that released to atmosphere.

This is how oxygen enters the plants as a part of water molecules. through roots.

Darby finds a rock in her backyard. It has large crystals. She has found _____.-an extrusive igneous rock
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The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "-an extrusive igneous rock." Darby finds a rock in her backyard. It has large crystals. She has found -an extrusive igneous rock

Darby has found  an extrusive igneous rock   in her backyard.

... Lucky her.