Jelaskan yang di maksud dengan amdal


Answer 1
Answer: analisa mengenai dampak lingkungan

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Orange roughy fish are a fourth-level consumer. We may see fifth- or sixth-level consumers, but not as many as at lower levels on a trophic pyramid. Why are the upper levels of a tropic pyramid limited?
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State two ways living and nonliving things differ
Cardiac muscle cells are __________. almost totally dependent on anaerobic metabolism mechanically, chemically, and electrically connected to one another multinucleated, with a low demand for nutrients nonstriated in appearance

During interphase, the DNA in the nucleus of the cell is thin and threadlike and called _____.


During interphase, the DNA in the nucleus of the cell is thin and threadlike and called chromatin.

Chromatin is a complex of DNA and proteins that creates chromosomes within the nucleus of eukaryotic cells.
Chromatin is a mass of genetic material comprised of DNA and proteins which condenses to form chromosomes.

Suggest why it is important for animals to be able to detect changes in their surroundings?


So that over time they can adapt to survive
It is important for animals to be able to detect changes in their surroundings so as to adapt themselves with time and conditions.

Researchers have reported that the number of different species of fish found in certain areas of the ocean has been greatly reduced over the past 50 years. Give a reason, other than overfishing, that may be the cause of this decline.


one reason may be an invasive species coming in and eating while not having a natural fish coming in and eating it so whatever it eats the population drops

The largest mass extinction event in the history of the Earth occurred at the end of the _______ period. A. Ordovician B. Devonian C. Permian D. Cambrian


Answer is C. The Permian saw the enhancement of the early amniotes into the genealogical gatherings of the well evolved creatures, turtles, lepidosaurs, and archosaurs. The world at the time was ruled by two landmasses known as Pangaea and Siberia, encompassed by a worldwide sea called Panthalassa.
The largest mass extinction event in the history of the Earth occurred at the end of the Permian period. This time period spans 46.7 million years, in this extintion nearly 90% of marine life and 70% of terrestrial beings died out. It took a lot of time to recover from this mess.

Which of the following statements is true?Viruses are much bigger than bacteria.
Viruses are cells with either RNA or DNA.
Viruses are bundles of genetic material enclosed in a capsid.
Both viruses and bacteria are living organisms.


Viruses are bundles of genetic material enclosed in a capsid.


Option C. Viruses are bundles of genetic material enclosed in a capsid.


Option A- False - Bacteria is about 100x larger than viruses.

Option B- False - Viruses aren't cells since they aren't living organisms.

Option D- False - Viruses are not living organisms.

To properly record a measurements, you must record which of the following? (pick as many as you want) A. Number
B. Hypothesis
C. Summary
D. Unit


TO properly record a measurement, it is a must to record the unit of measure of a certain object that you wanted to measure.
When you say unit it means, that the length, width and height. It may also be the radius, diameter or circumference.