Three challenges bricks construction may encounter when trying to implement their corporate social investment plan in the local community


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "Bricks Construction might not have enough funds to implement a project int he community, the employees also have difficulty in managing the program, then it will be a difficult to sustain most especially economic's downside."

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The total package that a firm offers employees in return for their labor is called?A benefits package.
A wage.
Profit sharing.
A compensation system.



A compensation system.


Mallory gets paid a set amount of money based on the time she puts in at her place of work. This amount of money is not tied to the quality of the raw materials, accidents, or other constraints in the production process. This payment system refers to



the time rate system


The wage payment system is divided into three major types:

  1. Time rate:  employees are paid on the basis of time, e.g. per hour, day or week. This payment system doesn't consider any type productivity factors. The main advantage of using this payment system is its simplicity: e.g. amount of hour worked x wage per hour = total salary.
  2. Piece rate: employees are paid on the basis of quantity and quality of work performed (productivity).
  3. Incentive wage: combination of the two prior systems, where employees are paid a fixed time rate plus a bonus or incentive pay depending on productivity.

Final answer:

Mallory is paid under a fixed-wage or salaried system where her earnings are based on the time she puts in at work, regardless of the quality or quantity of the work done. Rather than being tied to outputs or variable factors, her payment solely relies on her working hours.


The payment system that Mallory is subject to is typically known as a fixed-wage or salaried system. This form of payment is not dependent on the quality of inputs or other variable factors but instead is tied to the time that she puts in at work. This is in contrast to a piece-rate system where payment is dependent on the quantity of output produced, or incentive-based systems that might account for raw materials, accidents, and other variable constraints in the production process.

In a fixed-wage system, Mallory earns the same amount of money each period (hourly, weekly, monthly, etc.) regardless of the quality or quantity of the work she does. The only factor influencing her earnings is the number of periods (hours, days, weeks) she works because her employer has predetermined the wage per period. This system is beneficial to the worker as it provides income stability and predictability.

Learn more about the Fixed-wage system here:


One responsibility of the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research is to work with product marketers.a. True
b. False


Probably False. They are a center that does research on Drugs and motoring their use. They may buy something to see and test, yet what would they need to be making buying and selling transactions for when researching drugs. 

I could be wrong, but see. Hope your grade will be fine. 

What type of income is received through rent?


I've known rent to be considered a taxable income in the year received.  It's taxable income that would get claimed on income tax returns.  


B. passive income for TRECA people


just got 100 on the test :)

A budget is a planning tool.
a. True
b. False


a. True. A budget helps you plan how much you are going to spend and what you are going to spend it on.
A budget is a planning tool.
This is a true statement.

Products such as steel, bulk chemicals, and industrial electronics do not require much differentiation because the taste and preference for these products is similar all around the world. These products are examples ofA. local customization.B. market differentiation.C. universal needs.D. lateral requirements.E. the efficiency frontier.



C) universal needs.


Universal needs are basically products that everyone needs to have a normal living and for the most of us, survive. Even though we do not eat steel, chemicals or even industrial electronics, they are necessary to produce the things we eat, where we live, how we move (cars, airplanes, boats, bicycles) and what clothes we wear.