Which sentence does not contain any errors in the use of italics or quotation marks?A.Charles Lindbergh flew "The Spirit of St. Louis" from New York to Paris. (The Spirit of St. Louis is also in italics)
B.Charles Lindbergh flew The Spirit of St. Louis from New York to Paris. (The Spirit of St. Louis is in Italics)
C.Charles Lindbergh flew "The Spirit of St. Louis" from New York to Paris.
D.Charles Lindbergh flew The Spirit of St. Louis from New York to Paris.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "B.Charles Lindbergh flew The Spirit of St. Louis from New York to Paris. (The Spirit of St. Louis is in Italics)" The sentence that does not contain any errors in the use of italics or quotation marks is this B.Charles Lindbergh flew The Spirit of St. Louis from New York to Paris. (The Spirit of St. Louis is in Italics)

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which of the following 20th century figures influenced modernist literature through their groundbreaking work on the subconscious


Answer choices are:

A. Sigmund Freud
B. Albert Einstein
C. Werner Heisenberg
D. Karl Marx

The correct answer is:

A. Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud's writings modified how we tend to understand human behavior and his science is that the one that makes poetry autochthonic. He opened the pathway toward more and more advanced literary characters with motives on the far side the obvious.
Here are The one that influenced modernist literature through the groundbreaking work on the subconscious :

- Carl Jung ,  through his research about personality
- Karl Marx, through his book Das Kapital
- Sigmund Freud, through his various studies

hope this helps

How are the Roman Forum and the Globe Theatre similar? Both were built in Rome. Both were built in Elizabethan England. Both served as a stage for political and social issues of their time period. Both had audiences comprised only of people with great wealth and status.


The correct answer is: "Both had audiences comprised only of people with great wealth and status."

This is because poor people would not have the money to pay the high priced seats, so they would keep out.


The Roman Forum and the Globe Theatre are similar since they D. both had audiences comprised only of people with great wealth and status.


On the one hand, the Roman Forum, founded in Ancient Rome, served as a public area for various activities, such as elections, gladiator matches, criminal trials, public speeches and social gatherings. On the other hand, the Globe Theatre was built in 1576 in London specifically for drama exhibition. Therefore, one could not say the Roman Forum and the Globe Theatre served for the same purposes or were built in the same time period or place, but they did have audiences comprised only of people with great wealth and status, since they had to pay for access or had to belong to certain social class.

Historical details in this story reveal a great deal about its setting. What do you learn about the times from the white townspeople’s attitudes toward the African Americans who live in Jefferson? In today’s times, have such attitudes changed or stayed much the same?


they took the arfican americans homes and everything they had even after the natives helped them 

Which trait of E.E. Cummings' "in Just" lets readers know that the poem is written in free verse?


The traits you are looking for is lack of rhyme and lack of meter. These two traits show that the entire poem is written in free verse. 




What does helen learn at the well?a.she discovers what words are.
b.she finally learns how to form letters


a.She discovers what words are

When Helen’s doll got broken, her teacher took her out for awalk to the well-house. Her teacher drew water and placed one of Helen’s handsunder the spout. As the water gushed over one hand, her teacher spelled “water”with the other hand, slowly at first then, rapidly. It was then that she foundout that “w-a-t-e-r meant the cool thing that flowed over her hand. When sheleft the well-house she was very eager to learn and she did learn new words atthat time.

Which of the following is not a step used to refine a thesis statement?


there are no answer choices provided but I could try and help you by staying what would be a step used to refine a thesis statement:

•make sure that your thesis statement states the topic of what you are writing
•clarify vague phrases so that you are basically spoon-feeding people what you are writing about.
•make sure you reread your thesis and make sure your audience can clearly make out what your essay is about.