The word ambivalence means _____.


Answer 1
Answer: The word ambivalence means confused feelings.
Answer 2
Answer: Hey, Lala12345!
The word ambivalence means mixed feelings.
I hope this helps;)

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He is angered by Odysseus’s taunts.


This excerpt doesn't give much detail but I'm pretty sure this is Polyphemus speaking. He is a cyclops, and son of Poseidon. When Odysseus and his men were trapped in a cave with the giant man-eating cyclops, they plotted to blind him and escape. So Odysseus got Polyphemus drunk on some kind of wine and waited for him to pass out. Then they got a huge stick or branch, sharpened the end and plunged it into the giant's eye. One can easily surmise that Polyphemus would seek revenge for this, so answer B is definite. Answer A might be an additional factor, as Polyphemus does refer to him in this passage as "raider of cities"--indicating perhaps some disapproval--but the damage to his (only!) eye would be the most important issue, since that is personal.

both A and B are the answers

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B-Time cannot alter my love.
C-My love has beautiful brows.
D-Do not make my love look older.


The best paraphrase of the line 9 in sonnet 19 is;

  • D. Do not make my love look older.


This refers to the brief re-enactment of the main points of a piece of article as it aims to write similar things to the original article, without plagiarism.

As a result of this, we can see from Shakespeare's Sonnet 19, in the line 9, he talks about his love and how he does not want his love to look older because of how he would feel.

Read more about paraphrasing here:


it should be the last option


the line is "O! carve not with thy hours my love's fair brow," i take that as something to do with time/aging

In the word verification, the root ver- means:a. False
b. Lie
c. True
d. Fact


The correct answer is C. True .

Hope this helps! Please make me the Brainliest!


c. True


a. determined
b. obvious
c. reserved
d. inconspicuous


clear or obvious to the eye or mind

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- stars, dreams, looking upward, Heaven
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From the poem "The Bean Eaters", by Gwendolyn Brooks


-stars, dreams, looking upward, and Heaven

stars, dreams, looking upward, Heaven

Phillip Freneau's poem “American Liberty,” the speaker describes being “slaves and minions to a parliament.” What is the intended meaning of this hyperbole?



C) The speaker thinks that the colonists are being unfairly treated by the British government.


Phillip Freneau's poem description as ''slaves and minions to a parliament'', means that they were not free at all, just robots that did what the parliament wanted and also mistreated, but some of them didn't realise that.

He used emotionally charged language- also known as loaded language to emphasise on the fact that their liberty was being taken away by this "parliament".