Allison has asked her doctor to prescribe a "morning after" pill to prevent a pregnancy. Her doctor, Dr. Williams, tells her that he cannot prescribe the pill, which has the ability to abort a pregnancy, based on his own moral beliefs. Allison tells his medical assistant, Amy, that she thinks it is wrong of Dr. Williams to impose his religious beliefs upon his patients. She says that he should not have become a physician if he could not separate his personal values from patient care.In your opinion, what should Amy say to the patient?
What is her role as an allied health professional?
Should Dr. Williams let his patients know what his religious beliefs are when they are fist seen by the practice?
Is there an ethical or legal problem with Dr. Williams' action?


Answer 1
Answer: (This is only my opinion by the way, so you can change anything you want)
I think that Amy should stay out of it personally, but find a way to report the doctor for bringing his religious beliefs into his MEDICAL job. It seems like it would be her responsibility as a proffesional to make sure the patient gets to do what she thinks is right. Dr. Williams shouldn't have to tell his patients about his religious beliefs, because it shouldn't matter in a MEDICAL practice. There is both an ethical and legal problem with his action. A patient should get to make their own choices unless they want to endanger themsleves or others. That is wrong ethically that he took away someone's control over that choice. Opinions and beliefs shouldn't come into this kind of thing. Legally, it is wrong for the same reason. He has no right to do that unless someone's health is at risk.

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mario and I have to go back. It will take a moment. I'm a bit, I think it was not able. This was not able.

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Hope this helps!

the answer is c. Ovary

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First you'll feel fever or cold like symptoms. Then HIV eventually progresses to AIDs which is incurable. When HIV turns into AIDs, weightless can occur, fatigue, and you are more likely to get infections because this STI wears down the immunity system very hard. 
Basically it interferes with the system in your body that fights off infections. 

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Extreme weight loss is the main result of anorexia nervosa . Correct answer: A

Anorexia is a psychological and life-threatening eating disorder characterized by an abnormally low body weight, an intense fear of gaining weight and a distorted perception of weight. Anorexia is similar to starvation. Symptoms include extreme weigh loss,  thin appearance , abnormal blood counts , fatigue, insomnia..

I would say D and A if its multiple choice

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B. Intentional-Unpreventable
C. Unintentional-Preventable
D. Unintentional-Unpreventable


The correct answer is C. Unintentional-Preventable


An injury includes cuts, wounds or any other physical trauma or damage that is usually caused by accidents although in some cases it can be caused on purpose. In this way, injuries can be classified as unintentional or intentional depending on whether they were the result of accidents or not and as preventable or unpreventable if it could be prevented or avoided in some way.

According to this, an injuring sustained from driving an ATV (all-terrain vehicle) and not wearing a helmet is both unintentional and preventable, because it is quite likely it occurs due to an accident and not on purpose (unintentional), but also injuries can be prevented using the correct equipment including a helmet, and following parameters while driving (preventable).