Why is taxonomy important?


Answer 1
Answer: It helps to classify all the different organisms out there in an orderly way.
Answer 2


It helps to classify all the different organisms out there in an orderly way.


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Many of the terms related to fluid balance sound the same. Can you identify the proper terms for definitions and key information related to fluid and fluid imbalances? For each question, select the correct term or solute.




Standard IV solution used as a blood volume expander (0.9% NaCl is commonly used)


Answer- isotonic.

The  standard 0.9 % Nacl solution is isotonic.  A solution is isotonic if it is of  equal solute concentrations with the surrounding environment. Therefore, 0.9 % Nacl solution will not gain or lose fluid via osmosis across its wall.  Rather  its intravenous introduction will be at the same concentration with the  intracelluar fluid  leading to expansion  in volume.



Type of edema in the lower extremities



Accumulation of  blood   in body tissues (Oedema) usually  occurs due to  effect of gravity on the body. Gravitational force pulls body fluid towards the extremities and lower part of the body.Therefore fluids accumulates under the skin, trapped  in the veins of leg (especially from prolong standing), feet and hands.  It may also be as  a result of complication from medication, or pregnancy term is called Dependent Oedema. Because it is gravity-related Oedema.

Que 3.

Increases sodium and water retention by the kidneys



In condition of lower blood volume, lower salt level or increse blood pressure,one of the compensatory mechanism is the release of hormone Aldosterone from the pituitary gland,  under the influence adreno cortico tropic hormone  The Aldosterone  stimulate the walls of the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct to increase re-absorption of sodium ions, from the urine, sweat and gut back  into the blood. Water follow by osmosis. This raises the water level of the blood with corresponding increase blood volume, reduction in salt balance and drop in blood pressure.


The main intracellular cation



This is  the main intracellular cations of the cell. It concentration is maintained by the activities  of sodium-potassium pump along cell membrane. These pump  made of channel  of protein  regulate the movement of potassium ions in and out of the cells. Its positive charge(together with that  some anions)  is responsible  for the   positive charges  in  the intracellular layer.


Fluid sequestration in the body cavities


Answer; third space.

The space between adjacent cells may be filled with fluids, that escape from the blood vessels into the interstitial space when there is too much water in the blood,.This fluid  space  is called the third Space. It has no appreciable function.


Excreted in response to fluid volume overload.


Answer. Natriuretic peptides

An increase in blood fluid  volume  usually correspond with the release of  Natriuretic peptides under the in influence of the pituitary gland and the heart in the body. These promotes the loss of  sodium ions by the kidney, with corresponding loss of water by osmosis.Therefore large volume of hypotonic urine containing excreted sodium is produced. This lowers the blood fluid volume,


Diminished water volume in intracellular fluid and extracellular fluid


Answer; Dehydration

Dehydration is depletion of water level of the plasma fluid, due to loss of  fluid from the intracellular  and extracelular fluids cell layers into the surrounding hypertonic medium.The cells shrinks, with loss of the organelles. Hypotension,  confusion also set in.


Characterized by excess fluid in interstitial and intracellular fluid compartments



The accumulation of fluid in the space between cells(interstitial space) is called oedema.it may be caused by damage to the kidney, liver, to the veins of the legs etc,This damages lead to poor drainage of the blood by the veins leading  to fluid retention.


Occurs when application of pressure over a bony area leaves an indentation


Answer. Pitting Edema.

Mathematically, Pressure is equal to force over the area where the pressure was applied.(P=F/A). During   accumulation of fluids under  the skin due to oedema; if a pressure is applied on the fluid accumulated area, an indention due to the force  which  was applied will be left momentarily, and gradually disappear. this is called Pitting Oedema.

A temperate phage is one that a. is restricted to infecting a single species. b. is incapable of lysing the host cell. c. grows best at moderate temperatures. d. can undergo lysogeny.



d. can undergo lysogeny.


Virus can use two reproduction cycle that is a lytic and lysogenic cycle. In the lytic cycle viral genome in the host cell produce new capsid protein by using host molecular machinery which results in making several new phase particles that lyse the host cell and come out.

In the lysogenic cycle, the virus does not lyse the cell but it goes into the latent phase by incorporating its genome into the host genome. The virus genome replicates with the host genome lysogenic cycle. So the phage which undergo lysogeny is called temperate phage. So the correct answer is d.

Group of organelles that is common to both plant cells and animal cells.


-Cell membrane
-Rough ER
-Smooth ER
-Golgi Body
That's all I can think of
However, if you check out "cells alive" website. There are interactive diagrams of cells that contain organelles

Can you become pragnant afrer your periods


It is possible but it all depends on when your period ends. A few days after your cycle ends that is when your fertility window opens up. And a little over a week after your period ends, that is when you begin to ovulate. This is the best chance for a woman to get pregnant.
Hope this helps!

Scientists think that chimpanzees and gorillas share a common ancestor. Today, it is not possible for a chimpanzee and gorilla to mate and produce fertile offspring.What is this an example of?


B.natural selection

C.spontaneous generation



D. speciation. The common ancestor of gorillas and chimpanzees evolved into two distinct species through the process of speciation. Separate species cannot successfully produce fertile offspring.
B. natural selection

Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding the skeletal system? There are 28 vertebrae that cover the spinal cord. There are 14 pairs of rib bones that make up the thorax. There are 10 major facial bones. There are 3 components to the sternum bone.


Out of the statements presented regarding the skeletal system, the last one would be the only true statement which says that there are 3 components to the sternum bone.

For the number of vertebrae that cover the spinal cord, there are around 31 segments that have it. For the pairs of ribs, there are 12 pairs of it. There are also 14 major facial bones. As for the components of the sternum bone, there are 3 components which are as follows: the manubrium, the body, and the xiphoid process.