Who is the hero of the Iliad?


Answer 1
Answer: Achillies is the hero of iliad
Answer 2





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Four outstanding twentieth century playwrights
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___________ language is almost always preferable to sophisticated or technical language.
Jose is writing a compare-and-contrast essay about the French Revolution and the American Revolution. Which thesis would best match his chosen text structure?aThe French government sent money and support during the American Revolution.bThe American Revolution and the French Revolution shared many similar goals.cThe American government disagreed over whether to support the French Revolution.dSome soldiers fought in both the French Revolution and the American Revolution.
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What occupation did shelley say kept her from writing, despite her husband's encouragement


Among the reasons Mary Shelley mentioned that kept her from writing included travelling, taking care of her family, and studying through reading or promoting her husband's work. Mary's husband was Percy Bysshe Shelley who was a major Romantic poet.

She called all the aforementioned reasons a "literary employment" that then demanded most of her time.
She spent most of her time raising her child and promoting her husband’s work. She then wrote Frankenstein and it established her career as a writer. Frankenstein became a great work of literature. It has been the basis of many films and remains popular to this day.

An example of paradox is needing to remember a trauma for future generations to survive and needing to forget that trauma to be able to live in the present.true


This is not true. A paradox is not usually used in the same sense as dealing with trauma.

9. Read the word in parentheses; then decide which of these sentences most effectively translates an abstract concept into a mental picture.A. (Studious) Lucy lay on her bed reading a back issue of National Geographic.
B. (Rumors) Whispers of doubt filled the empty halls like the reek of boiled cabbage.
C. (Sunrise) The rising sun transformed the canyon into bright stone and deep shadow.
D. (Freedom) On her twenty-first birthday, Lola declared herself a woman.
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect

11. Which sentence best describes clustering?
A. You're generating words that suggest possible sentences or paragraphs.
B. You're generating words that suggest possible themes for an essay.
C. You write down words or ideas that occur to you in no particular order.
D. You write down words or ideas in chronological order.
Student Answer: C
Answer: Incorrect

15. Find the sentence with the active voice.
A. The bill was passed by the legislature.
B. It was voted by the legislature to pass.
C. The chairman told me that the legislature passed the bill.
D. I was told by the chairman that the bill was passed by the legislature.
Student Answer: D
Answer: Incorrect

16. When writing, you can most effectively use a dash
A. in place of a semicolon.
B. in place of an exclamation point.
C. to add a formal touch to a sentence.
D. to get the reader's attention.
Student Answer: A
Answer: Incorrect

19. Which of the following statements about vocabulary building is not correct?
A. The best way to improve your vocabulary is to memorize lists of vocabulary words.
B. Reading on a daily basis is very important for building your vocabulary.
C. Using the dictionary is only one step in the process of vocabulary building.
D. Pronunciation is an important part of adding new words to your vocabulary.
Student Answer: D
Answer: Incorrect


These are the respective correct answer to each question presented:

1) A; This is because I can clearly picture out Lucy actually lying down and reading just by the description of it.
2) B; clustering are generating words related to the themes of the concept
3) C; Subject does the verb; all the others are indirect objects
4) D; it is noticeable.
5) A; memorizing does not help when you don't know what the words mean

These are the respective correct answer to each question presented:

1) A; This is because I can clearly picture out Lucy actually lying down and reading just by the description of it.

2) B; clustering are generating words related to the themes of the concept

3) C; Subject does the verb; all the others are indirect objects

4) D; it is noticeable.

5) A; memorizing does not help when you don't know what the words mean

1. What does Jane Austen mean by “sense” and by “sensibility,” and which cultural movements of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries do they represent? Which of the two older sisters—Elinor and Marianne—represents which quality? Does one quality win out over the other in the end? If so, which one, and how; if not, why?


"Sense" being practical, intellectual, and logical in everything. This characteristic is manifested in Elinor.

"Sensibility" refers to being sensitive, emotional. The exact opposite of sense. This characteristic is manifested in Marianne.

No, one quality does not win over the other. One must possess both qualities to become a well rounded and highly productive individual. 

Which of the following quotes from “The Devil and Tom Walker” represents a historical fact that the author has woven into the narrative?“The [tree] on which he had been seated, and which evidently had just been hewn down, bore the name of Crowninshield: and he recollected a mighty rich man of that name, who made a vulgar display of wealth, which it was whispered he had acquired by buccaneering.”

“The . . . man told him of great sums of money buried by Kidd the pirate, under the oak trees on the high ridge, not far from the morass. All these were under his command, and protected by his power, so that none could find them but such as propitiated his favor.”

“The country had been deluged with government bills; the famous Land Bank had been established; there had been a rage for speculating; the people had run mad with schemes for new settlements, for building cities in the wilderness.”


the 2nd one2222222222222222

“The . . . man told him of great sums of money buried by Kidd the pirate, under the oak trees on the high ridge, not far from the morass. All these were under his command, and protected by his power, so that none could find them but such as propitiated his favor.”

My teddy bear gave me a hug is an example of1.metaphor


3. Personification because a teddy bear can't actually do that
That is an example of Personification