Who created the story for Sherlock Holmes?


Answer 1
Answer: sir arthur conan doyle

Answer 2


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle


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B)Skiing is fun; but snowboarding is better.
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Two clauses can be joined with a semicolon when they are both independent (they both have their subject and predicate and can stand on their own as a sentence). In option A, "In the morning" is just a phrase without no subject or verb whatsoever. In option D, the fragment after the semicolon lacks a subject, therefore it is not a clause. In option B, "Skiing is fun" and "snowboarding is better" are both independent clauses, but the semicolon cannot be combined with coordinating conjunctions like "but."

The third sentence (C) is correct. Both clauses in C can stand as a sentence in their own right. 

Imagine that you meet some Brobdingnagians on a camping trip. Explain how you would make sure that everyone’s experience was positive. Include in your response a reference to each of the four aspects of appropriate culture group interaction.


/the brobdingnagians was consist of giants with over 6 foot talls. The Lilliputians were known as quite selfish in their interaction with other people.
It would be hard to make sure that everyone's experience would be positive, but to ensure it, i would bow down to their tradition and tolerate their behavior

hope this helps

Answer: If I were to meet some Brobdingnagians on a camping trip, I would make sure that everyone's experience was positive by following the four aspects of appropriate culture group interaction: respect, communication, empathy, and flexibility. Firstly, I would show respect by being mindful of the Brobdingnagians' cultural norms and values, and by avoiding any behaviors that could be seen as disrespectful or offensive. Secondly, I would communicate clearly and effectively, both verbally and non-verbally, to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that there are no misunderstandings. Thirdly, I would practice empathy by putting myself in the Brobdingnagians' shoes and trying to understand their perspective, needs, and preferences. Finally, I would remain flexible by being open to new ideas and ways of doing things, and by adapting to changing circumstances or unexpected challenges. By following these four aspects of appropriate culture group interaction, I believe that everyone's experience would be positive and enjoyable.

Explanation: :)

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Both are enhanced by the political experience of their writers yet the structures lead to altogether different encounters one opens into the farmland with a crisp basic language, sound pre-Protestant doubt of the Catholic Church; alternate supports the peruser into the down lift of Catholic Orthodoxy and traditional non-literal and exquisitely trained Italian—in any event that is so for those of us who have perused just "The Inferno" and lifted at the contributions on the up lift.

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Any source information that's used within the body of an essay


Any source information used in an essay should be properly cited with a footnote or other end reference. The citation should give credit to the author/creator, publication or website, date of publication, and any other pertinent details.