How is tidal power harnessed?


Answer 1
Answer: Tidal energy is produced through the use of trial energy generators. These large underwater turbines are placed in areas with high tidal movement, and are designed to capture the kinetic motion  of the ebbing and surging of ocean tides in order to produce electricity.

 Hope that this helps out any bro IF SO FWM > COMMT BELOWW .↓
Answer 2




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Professor Chapman is very friendly with her students, allowing them extra time on assignments and giving them the freedom to come late to class whenever they want. Dr. Weldon, on the other hand, is much stricter in the classroom. She does not accept late assignments, tells students "be on time or don't come to class," and at least two students got no credit on the term paper because they turned it in a day late. Both professors teach with the same quality but are different in their interactions with students. When evaluation time comes, students tend to give Dr. Weldon far lower marks because they dislike her, not because she is a bad teacher. This is an example of the __________ effect.



The correct answer is - This is an example of halo effect.


Halo effect is considered to be a cognitive bias in which we judge a person based on his behavior and character and make an impression in our mind about that person that the person is nice, good or bad.  

So it this case students have got a bad impression of Dr. Weldon because she does not accept late assignments, tells students "be on time or don't come to class," and at least two students got no credit on the term paper because they turned it in a day late.

So when evaluation time comes, students tend to give Dr. Weldon far lower marks because of the halo effect.


The Halo Effect.


She seems nicer, kids like her better. That's basically what it sums up to.

Hope this helps. :)

How many carbon atoms are in three molecules of carbon dioxide



Hi there! Hopefully this answer helps! If it doesn't, let me know!


For every three turns of the Calvin cycle, three atoms of carbon are fixed from three molecules of carbon dioxide.

Which of the following is not a means of water erosion? A. Streams
B. Rivers
C. Natural springs
D. Ocean waves


A means of water erosion would not be C. natural water springs. Erosion occurs when water or wind removes rock, dissolved material, and soil from one location to another. All the other options describe water moving from one location to another, which accurately describes what erosion does. 

what question is most closely related to the field of biology? A.How fast does Earth rolate? B.What is the mass of the moon? C.What are most rocks made of? D.What is the average length of a cobra?


The correct answer is D. Biology deals with all things living and their environments.