An important element of an autobiography is self-evaluation or introspection. Which sentences in this excerpt from the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin show the narrator's introspection?


Answer 1
Answer: The whole excerpt is fairly introspective, but I would say that the sentence that shows this the most is In truth, I found myself incorrigible with respect to Order; and now I am grown old, and my memory bad, I feel very sensibly the want of it.
Answer 2

In truth, I found myself incorrigible with respect to Order; and now I am grown old, and my memory bad, I feel very sensibly the want of it.

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I want to write about positive and nagative about country please could you give me a list for positive and negative about the uk


hope these help:

it is a wealthy country

we are severely affected my illegal immigration and migration

the NHS

benefits (child benefits, for not having a job)

not many houses due to immigration

many jobs

13. Which of these statements is true? A. Individual productivity is necessary for group productivity. B. Waste isn't a problem in reaching group goals. C. Sacrifice isn't necessary to achieve group goals. D. Individual productivity is more important than group productivity


A. Individual productivity is necessary for group productivity. 
B. Waste isn't a problem in reaching group goals.C. Sacrifice isn't necessary to achieve group goals.
D. Individual productivity is more important than group productivity

In which quote(s) does Stanton discuss women’s right to vote? Select all that apply.A. "He has compelled her to submit to laws, in the formation of which she had no voice."
B. "He has never permitted her to exercise her inalienable right to the elective franchise."
C. "He closes against her all the avenues to wealth and distinction, which he considers most honorable to himself."
D. "He has taken from her all right in property, even to the wages she earns."




Stanton is not allowing the woman to vote. Elect is the key word in this question. You can infer because it is also used in "election," which has something to do with voting.

Which stage of plot follows the falling action ?A.) conflict
B.) rising action
C.) exposition
D.) resolution


d.) resolution, because falling action would mean its being solved right?
Which stage of the plot follows the falling action?
D. resolution

Hope this helps!

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B. Anne Bradstreet was born and educated in England.
C. Anne Bradstreet favored poems with regular rhyme scheme and rhythm.


Anne Bradstreet got married to Simon Bradstreet at the early age of 17. Anne Bradstreet was born and educated in England. She was the first female published poet in North America. Anne Bradstreet wrote in the days when it belief that women role was to be homemakers. Therefore, Anne Bradstreet was indeed married and she was the first female published poet.

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A) Fan-based
B) Small-business
C) University
D) Nonprofit organization


The answer is option C. University. University websites typically provide the most reliable information about academic topics. A university website includes all information necessary that will guide and help students about certain topics.

The answer is option C. University. University websites typically provide the most reliable information about academic topics. A university website includes all information necessary that will guide and help students about certain topics.

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