Following World War II, internal migration flowed south and west as industries relocated. As a result, employment opportunities grew in the region known as the Sun Belt. Why did industries choose to move to this area?


Answer 1
Answer: The main reason why there was a massive immigration towards the Sun Belt was because it was unoccupied relatively to the other areas of the US, this meant that new servrices and industries could be developed for the young and flourishing naiton. 
Answer 2


The answer is option B on plato.


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Individual liberty protects ones self from the majority as democracy is rule by the majority  It establishes a base level of intellectual, philosophical, spiritual, and economic diversity that ensures that there is enough free play of ideas in a society for the best solution to shine through. 

What has been the most significant effect of artistic development in New Mexico since world war 2? give two reasons to justify your answer.


History: The Great Depression and World War IIOne of the hardest hit segments of the New Mexico economy during the depression was farming. In 1931, the state’s most important crops were worth only about half of their 1929 value. Dry farmers were especially devastated as they suffered from both continually high operating costs and a prolonged drought that dried up portions of New Mexico so badly that they became part of the Dust Bowl. From Oklahoma to eastern New Mexico, winds picked up the dry topsoil, forming great clouds of dust so thick that it filled the air. On May 28, 1937, one dust cloud, or “black roller,” measuring fifteen hundred feet high and a mile across, descended upon the farming and ranching community of Clayton, New Mexico. The dust blew for hours and was so thick that electric lights could not be seen across the street. Everywhere they hit, the dust storms killed livestock and destroyed crops. In the Estancia Valley entire crops of pinto beans were killed, and that once productive area was transformed into what author John L. Sinclair has called “the valley of broken hearts.”

In all parts of New Mexico, farmland dropped in value until it bottomed out at an average of $4.95 an acre, the lowest value per acre of land in the United States. Many New Mexico farmers had few or no crops to sell and eventually, they were forced to sell their land contributing in the process to the overall decline in farmland values.
The depression also hurt New Mexico’s cattle ranchers, for they suffered from both drought and a shrinking marketplace. As grasslands dried up, they raised fewer cattle; and as the demand for beef declined, so did the value of the cattle on New Mexico’s rangelands. Like the farmers, many ranchers fell behind in their taxes and were forced to sell their land, which was bought by large ranchers.Agriculture’s ailing economic condition had a particularly harsh effect on New Mexico, for the state was still primarily rural during the 1930’s, with most of its people employed in raising crops and livestock. Yet farmers and ranchers were not the only ones to appear on the list of those devastated by depressed economic conditions. Indeed, high on the list were the miners, who watched their industry continue the downward slide that had begun in the 1920’s. 

Final answer:

The most significant effect of artistic development in New Mexico since World War 2 is the emergence and growth of the Santa Fe art scene, which can be justified by the establishment of art institutions and the recognition of New Mexico as an artistic destination.


The most significant effect of artistic development in New Mexico since World War 2 has been the emergence and growth of the Santa Fe art scene. Two reasons that justify this answer are the establishment of art institutions and the recognition of New Mexico as an artistic destination.

  1. Establishment of art institutions: After World War 2, several art institutions were established in New Mexico, such as the Santa Fe Art Institute and the Institute of American Indian Arts. These institutions provided a platform for artists to showcase their work, collaborate with other artists, and receive formal education in art.
  2. Recognition of New Mexico as an artistic destination: The artistic development in New Mexico post-World War 2 led to the recognition of the state as an artistic destination. The unique landscapes, vibrant culture, and diverse artistic communities attracted artists from across the country and internationally. The influx of artists brought new ideas, perspectives, and creativity to the region, contributing to the thriving art scene.

Learn more about Artistic development in New Mexico since World War 2 here:


What event caused Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany? Germany invaded Poland. Germany seized Czechoslovakia. Germany seized Austria. Italy and Germany formed the Axis Powers.



The event that caused Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany was that it invaded Poland.


The Invasion of Poland was carried out, without a formal declaration of war, by Nazi Germany from September 1, 1939. Slovakia also participated from the campaign from day one, again occupying the contested areas occupied by Poland after the Munich Agreement in 1938. The episode marked the beginning of World War II in Europe.  

The attack was carried out on two fronts: by Germany, at dawn on September 1, 1939 (one day after Gleiwitz's "false flag" operation and one week after the signing of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact), and by the Union Soviet Union, from September 17th.

One of the objectives of the invasion was to divide Polish territory at the end of the operation; Poland should cease to exist as a country and Poles should be exterminated. On October 6, 1939, Poland was divided and annexed by Germany and the Soviet Union.  

On September 3, in response to hostilities, France and the United Kingdom, followed by the Commonwealth, among others, declared war on Germany.

I'm fairly sure GB and France had an alliance with Poland, so when they invaded Poland they had to step in and declare war on Germany.

The great Lakers are the border the united states.

The names of the great lakes are........ ( Have to be five guys)


Canada and the united states  
Between the US and Canada, also like niagra falls. Sam(superior) henry(huron) Eric(erie) oliver(ontario) and Marv(Michigan). Hope this helps.

Why were some of the reasons French people (from Canada) didn't want confederation?


Some of the reasons why French people in Canada did not want Confederation because they believed that they might lose their rights and language. They believed that if Confederation occurred, a central government will cause the powers of the provinces to be weakened.
Actually, at the time Quebec was one province together with Ontario, so joining the Confederation would actually increase their rights to their own language and culture.

Their fears were rather that the central government would have too much power and if ever a conflict between the province and the Government shall arise, the province would loose

Which of the following events would most likely cause an increase in Indian nationalism?


Numerous Indian citizens are hurt when an office building is attacked by the British.  -- That sort of incident would cause Indian nationalism to increase in response.

As a historical note, I can point to an incident even more grievous than the suggested example.  In 1919, in the Indian city of Amritsar, British troops (along with Nepalese Gurkha troops whom the British employed) killed over 300 Indian nationalists  -- perhaps as many as 1,000 of them, in a public garden.  (379 was the British government's official estimate.  The Indian National Congress said that approximately 1,000 were killed.)

This "Amristar Massacre" occurred in the public space known as the Jallianwala Bagh.  A large number of Indians had gathered there for a peaceful protest against how Britain had forced Indians to be enlisted as soldiers for war and against the war tax Britain had imposed on Indian citizens during World War I.  The demonstration coincided with regular fairs held at the park, so there were thousands of people there. Because of concern over growing nationalist sentiment, Britain had placed Amristar under martial law and banned all gatherings in the city.  But many of the fair-goers and those participating in the demonstration didn't know about this change in law.  British 
Brigadier General Reginald Dyer, in command of the empire's forces in the area, ordered his troops to fire on the crowd to teach the Indians a lesson - to have a "moral effect" on them, as he later said.  The killing of unarmed Indians by British troops only made the nationalist movement grow stronger.  India had supported the British cause in World War I, hoping to gain partial autonomy in return.  After the incident at Amristar, Indian nationalists determined that they needed to work toward full independence from Britain.
The best option from the list would be "Numerous Indian citizens are hurt when an office building is attacked by the British," since this would hit "closer to home," with the population.