What is a computer??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


Answer 1
Answer: A computer is a decive.
Answer 2
Answer: It's a device programmed with only 1 and 0 (Plz mark brainliest if i helped!)

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Going to need your answer choices

thanks :)

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There is a glitch you need to redownload the whole software like the Windows that should do the trick
Like they said redownload the whole software but use a different browser to download. Try google chrome or safari or internet explorer

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its voted down a web page


its voted down a web page


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B- Middle
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The correct answer is:


[A]: "index fingers". Note that you want to keep your left index fingers near the "ASDF" keys; and your right index fingers near your "JKL;" keys; so you use your "index fingers" for easier dexterity to "reach" for the other keys to more easily "access", or "reach", the "reach keys" ; and then retract those fingers to the original positions.


A ____________ variable is available throughout a program.





Its the global variable, and its scope is the whole program. And hence, a global variable is available throughout the program. And you need to know that a local variable has its scope in the block where it has been declared. Its scope is that block or the function or the loop only. And if you want it to have a global scope, then you will have to declare it as a global variable.

Find the error in the following pseudocode. Module main () Call raiseToPower (2, 1.5) End Module Module raiseToPower (Real value, Integer power) Declare Real result Set result=value^power Display result End Module



Call raiseToPower (2, 1.5) '


raiseToPower (Real value, Integer power)


To solve this, first organize the pseudo code,

1) main ()

2) Call raiseToPower (2, 1.5)

3) End Module

4) Module

5) raiseToPower (Real value, Integer power)

6) Declare Real result

7) Set result=value^power

8) Display result

9) End Module

The first three lines in pseudo code are representing the main module. While lines 4-9 shows the definition of module that is being called in main function.  

If we look at the raiseToPower definition at line5, we can see that it is requiring any real value for the base number. However, for power, it defines only integers.

But, in the main function, 1.5 is placed as a power that is not an integer. Therefore, this is the error in pseudo code. It should be changed to any integer.

Alternatively, change the integer power to real power to avoid this error.