Which of the following innovations is attributed to Geoffrey Chaucer?O A. The popularization of parableO B. The development of the tragic genreO C. The first spoken word performancesO D. The use of decasyllabic meter
Which of the following innovations is attributed to Geoffrey Chaucer?O - 1


Answer 1
Answer: D) the use of decasyllabic meter
Answer 2
Answer: Its The Use Of Decasyllabic Meter

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The following is a suitable topic for an expository article.Historical evidence has proven that ancient peoples had some very effective systems of medical treatment.
a. True
b. False


A.- it would be true. because its evidence that was proven. 

The correct answer is true.

Which of these words is not a preposition?A. ALONG





The answer is C, either. Prepositions are words that introduce information to the reader. This information can include where something takes place (such as 'at' the store), when or why something takes place (such as 'before' dinner), or general descriptive information (such as the girl 'with' the cool tattoo). Either is used before the first of two (or occasionally more) alternatives that are being specified (the other being introduced by “or”)."or is used to indicate a similarity or link with a statement just made.

Compare Ponyboy and Cherry Valance


they both like to see sunset...
they both like reading
they both do not like fighting...
ponyboy is male,,, cherry is female
cherry is a soc,,,,pony is a grease
cherry is a white rich kid,,,, pony is poor,,,,,
Ponyboy - poor, has no family, 

Cherry- Rich and also has family, teaches Ponyboy lessons, everyone has feelings too 

What is the literary term used to describe the attitude of the narrator in a story? a. tone
b. mood
c. idiom
d. dialect


the answer would be A(tone

Identification and magnification are two techniques of epideictic speech.


Identification and magnification are two techniques of epideictic speech. The correct answer is True. Epideictic Speech is also known as ceremonial oratory or praise and blame rhetoric. It is one of the three branches of rhetoric that is outlined in Aristotle's Rhetoric.

The strongest conclusion to a persuasive essay A. restates the thesis so that it is the final thought in the reader's mind. B. revises the thesis based on arguments presented in the essay. C. readdresses the thesis in light of evidence provided in the essay. D. presents at least three final, dramatic pieces of evidence to support the thesis.


In much the same way that the introduction lays out the thesis for the reader, the conclusion of the paper should reiterate the main points—it should never introduce new ideas or things not discussed in the body of the paper!—and bring the argument home. The force with which you express the theme here is especially important, because if you're ever going to convince the reader that your thesis has merit, it will be in the conclusion. In other words, just as lawyers win their cases in the closing argument, this is the point where you'll persuade others to adopt your thesis.
If the theme is clear and makes sense, the conclusion ought to be very easy to write. Simply begin by restating the theme, then review the facts you cited in the body of the paper in support of your ideas—and it's advisable to rehearse them in some detail—and end with a final reiteration of the theme. Try, however, not to repeat the exact language you used elsewhere in the paper, especially the introduction, or it will look like you haven't explored all aspects of the situation.
All in all, remember these are the last words your reader will hear from you before passing judgment on your argument. Make them as focused and forceful as possible.
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