Which of the following correctly explains the pun in this sentence and the word or words on which it is built? A Bill—a bill is a ticket for payment but also the beak of a bird B Blew—blew describes a sound but also an action C Engine—an engine is a motor but also an unnamed force for moving something D Gasket—a gasket is part of an engine and something that blows when over heated


Answer 1
Answer: B.  I had this question before 

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An author claims that "zoos do more good than harm." The author provides the following as support for the claim:I believe zoos are great because they give animals exactly what they need. I have seen caretakers feed animals and give them medicine when they are sick. I have watched zookeepers cuddle baby monkeys and place blankets over cold piglets. They train animals to do tricks, too, so that the animals have fans who love and cheer for them. I am sure this makes the animals happy.

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It is ineffective support because it presents opinion rather than fact.


Answer: C. It is ineffective support because it presents opinion rather than fact.

@stewyWhich sentence uses a verb that agrees with its compound subject?    
A.Waiters and waitresses serve the diners at the banquet.
B.cell phones and tablets is powered by tiny batteries.
C.Singing or dancing are my aunt's preferred activity.
D.Farmers and gardeners plants their seeds in the spring.


A is the write answer.

A is the correct answer-the others don't work.

1. true or false you do not need to use a comma when directly addressing someone or something in a sentence.

2. Place the commas (including Oxford commas) in this sentence:
"I saw a dog a cat and a panda when i went to the zoo."



I saw a dog, a cat, and a panda when I went to the zoo.

What are the principal parts of a verb?


Principal Parts of a Verb

The principal parts of a verb are the four forms of the verb from which all forms of the verb can be made. In English the four principal parts are the present (or infinitive), the past tense, the past participle, and the present participle.

Principal Parts of the Verb To Walk:

(to) walk walked walked walking

(To walk is considered a regular verb because we add a -d or -ed to the verb for the past and past participle.)

Principal Parts of the Verb To Run:

(to) run ran run running

(This is considered an irregular verb since one or more of the principal parts is formed in a nonstandard way.)

Since the present participle is always formed by adding -ing to the infinitive, some lists of principal parts omit it.

How to identify and manage emotions central idea


There are a number of actions that you can take that will help you to manage your emotions. Many of them are very general, but try them because you may just find that they work.

   Exercise: this releases reward and pleasure chemicals in the brain such as dopamine, which makes you feel better. Being fit also makes you healthier, which helps in managing emotions.

   Be kind to others, because this helps stop you worrying about yourself.

   Be open and accept what is going on around you. Learn to appreciate what is happening and avoid excessive criticism of others or of situations. This is linked to mindfulness, which is about being aware of what is going on in the moment.

   It’s good to talk. Spend time with other people and enjoy their company.

   Distract yourself. Yes, you really are that shallow. Watching a bit of TV, reading, or surfing the internet will probably help you forget that you were feeling a bit down.

   Don’t give in to negative thinking. If you find yourself having negative thoughts, then challenge them by looking for evidence against them.

   Spend time outside. Being in the fresh air, especially around nature, is very helpful for calming the emotions. There is evidence that we need to see horizons, so if you can go up a hill and look at the view then do.

   Be grateful. Thank people in person for doing nice things for you, and remember it.

   Play to your strengths. That often means doing things that you enjoy, but it also involves doing things that are good for you.

   Notice the good things in your life. In old-fashioned terms, count your blessings.

(Could you give me Brainliest if I helped)

Why has the Southeast become a center for food processing?


Because they have some storms there with rain and it waters the plants and crops and if you need help they grow half of the Eltreo