How does Douglass learn to read?


Answer 1
Answer: Douglass self taught himself and was also a writer and statesman.
Answer 2

Answer: Douglass learns to read when he is sold as a young man to the Auld family in Baltimore.

Explanation: He is taught by Sophia Auld, his master's wife. ... If keeping slaves ignorant was the key to keeping them docile, then he would rebel by learning to read, even though (or, as he observes, because) his master forbade it.

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From Texas Historical Assosiation

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Answer: £97,377 per year.

In three sentences, describe in what ways did the Guilds ensure that trade and merchandising was ethical and moral?


 The guilds were an association of freemen, of craftsmen working together to sustain each other, and through apprenticeship and training, to ensure the quality of what they produced. It is no accident that the great cathedrals of the medieval period did not leave the names of their builders behind them. Each man worked quietly and well as part of the group, and sought no fame for himself.

I hope my answer has come to your help. God bless you and have a nice day ahead!

Organized Indian resistance to American control ended in 1890 after the battle at __________. Wounded Knee Creek Little Bighorn River Wapelleta River Sand Creek


Organized Indian resistance to American control ended in 1890 after the battle at Wounded Knee in South Dakota. However, it is worth noting that many today do not regard that as a battle, but rather as the Massacre at Wounded Knee due to the gap in preparedness between Sioux and US forces and the high death toll of Sioux women and children. Prior to the events at Wounded Knee, US troops had assembled Hotchkiss guns pointed at the camped out Sioux and many US troops drank heavily the night before. After a spat of confusion where US troops sought to take all Sioux weapons, a shot was fired and US troops opened fire upon all inhabitants of the camp killing almost upwards of 200 men, women, and children. 

Five characteristics of agrarian societies were


An agrarian society is one that relies primarily on agriculture for its subsistence. Although this type of societies can be found all over the world, they all share some common characteristics, such as:

  • Cultivation takes place in large areas, or fields (as opposed to small gardens).
  • These societies often have complex social structures.
  • Members of these societies have more leisure time, which means they can become specialized in other trades.
  • Land becomes a mark of prestige, making social classes more rigid and creating a class of landowners.
  • A surplus of food leads to greater density of population.
Some characteristics of agrarian societies were:
• rapid technological advances
• extra food during winter
• less leisure time
• freedom to work different jobs
• depleted the soil
I hope this helps(: