Which question should readers ask before reading the "More than Flavorful" section?


Answer 1
Answer: Please be more specific, I'm not sure what you are asking.

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Most HIV testing is A. mandated by insurance.
B. controlled by state law.
C. voluntary.
D. federally mandated.


Well Id say C because I know a lot of people who go and by a at home hiv test and some go to the doctor and check, but once my friend was at the doctors and they asked him if he liked male or females he said both thinking they meant as friends. They checked him for hiv and it was mandatory due to him indirectly saying his was bisexual. If you have government insurance (aka Medicaid) when you go for a check up it is mandated by their insurance policy. Just some extra info (Hope I helped some)    
C is your answer voluntary

Who was florence nightingale? a chemist or nurse?


I am pretty sure a nurse- hope this helps. :-)

What common character trait do tragic heroes share?a. They must fight fate in order to make their own decisions.
b. They have a flaw that will ultimately lead to their undoing.
c. They commit terrible crimes to satisfy their ambitions.
d. They are unusually strong and powerful warriors.


Answer: b. They have a flaw that will ultimately lead to their undoing.

The most common characteristic of tragic heroes is the fact that, although excellent in every other way, they have a tragic flaw that will eventually lead to their undoing. This is also known by the term hamartia. Some common examples are Othello's jealousy or Hamlet's indecisiveness.

The answer that prevails in most cases is: B. They have a fatal flaw that will ultimately lead to their undoing.

Which of the following is NOT a part of the setting? 
A. Time
B. Location
C. Mood
D. Sequence


1.       The answer is d. sequence
because settings refer to the time and location where the event takes place.
Mood can also be added to make the settings more connecting to the audience while sequence refers to the series of event that falls under the plot structure.
Time gives the current time of the event of the story, location is where the story happened or took place and mood is the emotion or feelings of an actor or actress in the certain settings given.

A short story usually deals with a single problem or idea, has a single plot, and brings about a single effect. a. True
b. False


The correct answer would be letter b. False, because a short story does not necessarily need only a single problem, single plot, and single conclusion. For many short stories has have those kind of characteristics but one thing in common is that it does not contain only one thought. 


Explain what Luther meant by the word indulgence. How are indulgences related to the concept of sin? Use the Internet to research any relevant background information, including the religious practices of the time and the historical context of Martin Luther's debate with the authorities of the Roman Catholic Church.


Indulgence was basically a document, or a grant, whatever you wish to call it, that people used to buy from the Pope. They would basically buy forgiveness for their sins - when they paid for these documents, they were absolved of their sins and wouldn't go to hell, even though they did do all of those sins.

The term indulgence is related to the concept of sin, or actions in opposition to God's laws. In Luther's time, when a person did something that was considered a sin, he or she was required to confess the sin to a designated church authority (usually a priest). The person then had to undergo a penance (punishment) that the authority prescribed (depending on the nature of the sin). In the context of the church, an indulgence was a statement by the pope exempting a group of people from specific penances by virtue of good deeds they had performed. Indulgences were often published in written form. PLATO