A bicycle rider travels 50.0 km in 2.5 hours. What is the cyclists speed


Answer 1
Answer: Hi,
Recall the formula V=d/t, where V stands for velocity or speed, d stands for distance and t stands for time. By substituting your values you get: V=50.0km/2.5h, which equals to 20km/h.

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 Gravitational force is the slight attraction of bodies caused by their masses. 

Strong nuclear force is the colossal force possessing protons together in an atomic nucleus. 

They are both attractive forces. 
They are both charge-independent 


Vigorous nuclear force only applies to protons while gravity applies to all matter. 
Gravity occurs on all levels of space while the robust nuclear force only occurs at the sub-atomic level. 

When the mass of an object increases, the force of gravityincreases.
remains the same.
becomes irregular.


The forces of gravity between two objects depend on the masses
of both objects.  So if one mass increases, then the objects will be
drawn together by stronger gravitational force.

When a person eats a lot of steak and fat and carbohydrates, his
mass increases, and the bathroom scale shows that the gravitational
forces drawing him and the Earth together have increased.  We say
that he has "gained weight".

the amount of directly tied to the mass of the object... if the object has less mass, so does the amount of gravity...

Which of the following is an example of a measurement of velocity?A. 1 m.
B. 1 m/s.
C. 1 m/s².
D. 1 m/s north.


Velocity has a unit of m/s [meters per second] and contains both a magnitude and direction. Therefore the answer would be D

If a substance is heated and then cooled off but remains as the original substance a _____ change has occurred.A) physical
B) chemical
C) structural
D) physical and chemical


I'm going to say physical change


The substance as you said did not change therefore a chemical change could not have happened because they result in a new substance meaning one or multiple new substances could have been created from the chemical change. With a physical change the only thing that changes is the outward appearance.

example of physical change:  water changing into ice. The frozen water is composed of the same elements as the liquid water.

Hopefully this helped and good luck.

I'm not a physicist, or an expert, but physical and structural both have a similar meaning, they both relate to appearances, but the question says "but remains as the original substance" so, if it isn't a visible change, then the only good answer left is a chemical change, hope this helps

Think about what subsequently happens to the ketchup, which is initially at rest, and use newton's first law to explain why this technique is so successful.


Newton's first law of ketchup is  if the bottle of ketchup is smacked upward, the contents (the ketchup) will tend to remain in place, and it will be closer to the opening in the bottle.

Further explanation

If we are trying to get ketchup out of the bottle, the best way to do it is to turn the bottle upside down and give the bottle a upward smack which force the bottle rapidly upward.

Newton first law said that every object tries to continue in its state of rest or uniform motion unless an external force acted upon it (In an inertial frame of reference, an object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by a force).   Newton first law describe the relationship between a body and the forces acting upon it, and its motion in response to those forces.

Inertia explained by Sir Isaac Newton in his first law of motion (Newton law of motion). The law states that an object at rest stays at rest and an object continues its state of motion until an external force acts on it. The examples are one's body movement to the side when a car makes a sharp turn

Learn more

  1. Learn more about newton's first law https://brainly.in/question/4978079

Answer details

Grade:  9

Subject:  physics

Chapter:   newton's first law

Keywords: newton's first law

The ketchup inside the bottle is take out by shaking the bottle up and down. This process of bringing out the ketchup from the bottle make use of Newton’s Law of Inertia or the Newton’s first law.

Further Explanation:

The Newton’s first law of motion or the Newton’s law of Inertia states that a body continues to be in its state of rest or motion until and unless an external force is applied on the body that forces the body to change its state.

This law states that there needs to be a force in order to change the state of a body whether it is in motion or it is at rest.

The ketchup inside the bottle always settles down towards the bottom of the bottle. Now when it is required to take out the ketchup from the bottle, we hold the bottle upside down and shake it to bring the ketchup out of the bottle.

As the bottle is turned and shaken, the ketchup bottle suddenly comes into state of motion whereas the ketchup inside the bottle still remains in its state of rest. As the bottle goes up, the ketchup slides down to the neck of the bottle as it wants to remain in its initial position.

In this manner, when the bottle is shaken several times, the ketchup comes out of the bottle slowly. This process of taking out the ketchup from the bottle is due to the Newton’s law of Inertia.

The Newton’s first law or Law of Inertia has its several other applications in day to day life.

• The passenger tend to fall forward in a moving bus when the driver slams the brake suddenly. It happens because due to brakes, the bus comes to rest suddenly but the passenger’s body still remains in its state of motion and therefore, it tends to fall forward.

• The dust particles come out from a mattress when it is beaten up by a stick. The beating up the mattress sets up the mattress into motion but the dust particles remain in their state of rest and therefore, they fall out of the mattress.

Thus, the technique of bringing out the ketchup from the bottle by shaking it is an application of the Newton’s first law or the Newton’s Law of Inertia.

Learn More:

1.  A 400N force acting on a refrigerator of mass 200kg brainly.com/question/4033012

2.  A toy train rolls around a horizontal 1.0m diameter track brainly.com/question/9575487

3. A 700kg car driving at 29m/s hits a brick wall brainly.com/question/9484203

Answer Details:

Grade: High school

Subject: Physics

Chapter: Newton’s Laws of Motion


Ketchup, bottle, inertia, law of motion, first law, Newton’s law, Law of inertia, upside down, bring out ketchup, motion, rest, state, passenger fall forward, shake.

All of the following are electromagnetic waves excepta. X rays.
b. sound waves.
c. gamma rays.
d. radio waves.


Sound waves are longitudinal waves. All are the examples of Electromagnetic waves except the sound wave.

EM Waves:

EM waves are transverse waves means the propagation of the wave is the perpendicular the the wave oscillation.

Sound waves:

These are the longitudinal waves because the propagation of the wave is parallel to the vibration of particles.

  • It needs medium like air and water.
  • Its speed is very lesser than speed of EM wave.

Therefore, all are the examples of Electromagnetic waves except the sound wave.

To know more about sound wave,


b. sound waves
Sound waves need to travel through a medium such as a solid, liquid, or gas. The sound waves move through each of these mediums by vibrating the molecules in the matter. This means it isn't an electromagnetic waves but it is a wave, an example of the difference, all electromagnetic waves can travel in a vacuum at the universal speed limit, this is 299 792 458 m/s.